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The CEO of the company walked towards the practice room and was greeted by seven asleep boys and a sweaty odour.
On seeing the boys, an adoring smile crept up to his face.

'They work so hard. I'm so proud of my boys. They deserve everything...'

He thought that it's best to not wake them up because once they do, they'll practice even more until their bones break. Literally.

Bang Si Hyuk left to his office to take care of all of his stacked up paperworks.


Mirae, as usual, was working her butt off at the café. It was a Friday and it was getting busier by the minute.

What if she had accepted the offer given by Mr.Bang? Would it have changed her current cycle of depression to sunshine and rainbows?

'Stop exaggerating in your thoughts Mirae. You're supposed to suffer for what you did. Just like how your family abandoned you, you should abandon your life as well.'

She was so engaged in her thinking that she didn't realize a piece of China plate actually broke due to her clumsiness.

"Mirae! What are you so busy thinking about that you're not paying attention to your job!? I should've fired you when I had the chance last time! Mirae, Time out!"

Her manager scolded her as usual. He never liked her because he thought she possessed a not-so-good aura.

Well, He's right so can't blame him now, can we?

Mirae sighed and decided that it's best to take a stroll around the nearest park. To perhaps clean her thinking process. Maybe?

She changed her uniform and left the place with her Gucci bag which she bought three years ago with the money she earned.

'Oh, that ice-cream looks yummy! Maybe I should buy it?'

Paying for her Mango ice-cream, she took it and started savouring the sweet flavour bursting from each lick.

She sat herself on the nearest bench and started enjoying her ice-cream while re-thinking her life decisions.

'If I didn't do what I did back then, would life be better than now where there is nothing but sufferings?'

What if she wasn't what she was, maybe her life would've been better and easier.

'I do deserve to be happy at least once right? Maybe accepting the offer by Mr.Bang might be the right decision for my future. I've suffered enough. Yes. Maybe I should reconsider his offer. Should I call him? What if he thinks I'm clingy?'

After arguing with herself in her thoughts, she decides to accept the offer given by the CEO himself which itself is considered a great honour.

'But why would the CEO himself ask me? Aren't people working under him incharge of things like these? Stop over-thinking. It's not your place to over-think. You got the job, just take it'


"I'm Sorry Joon-ah, I offered her the job but she just declined it without even giving me a chance to reply..." The CEO whined to the leader of the group who in exchange returns a look of extreme confusion.

"PD-nim, what are you talking about? Whom did you offer what job?" Namjoon asked to which the CEO looked at him with a smug face.

"Don't tell me you think I didn't notice you staring at that girl in the café. She sure is pretty. If you like someone, consider me your Cupid in setting you up..."

Namjoon looked at his boss with a shocked face. Realisation hits him and that's when he turned completely red.

A boss acting as a Cupid between his client and the person the client likes. That's something new.

"You might be the only boss out there who approves their idols to date freely. To say that I'm shocked is an understatement. I'm NamShook!" Namjoon quoted ARMYs to which Si Hyuk chuckled.

"Hey, you guys are normal human beings. You get angry, sad, happy, hyper, crazy weird, or whatever the list goes on. So you deserve to live like one. If you want to date, you can date. You're all my sons. So seeing you happy is what makes me happy.
But that doesn't mean you can slack off alright? Also No . Illegal . Business. I just want you guys to live your life to the fullest..."

Namjoon's eyes glistened with crystal tears on hearing comforting words from someone who's supposed to be his boss. But treats him and the other members just like his sons.

'What good deed did I commit in my past life that I got such an amazing boss?'

But Namjoon was confused. How did PD-nim come to know about him stalking a girl?


"If you're wondering how I know, you've been sneaking out daily for a year which I noticed, it was kind of suspicious. I couldn't help but get curious. So I kind of followed you one day to see you staring at that girl preparing coffee while at the same time you were working on your laptop. I'm surprised that ARMYs didn't recognize you. They usually have eyesight of an eagle!"

Namjoon blushed deeply at his boss exposing him. Bang Si Hyuk chuckled at the adorable sight and patted the younger's head.

"I support your decision on whatever. Just don't make yourself look stupid..."

Namjoon nodded shyly and that's when the latter's phone rang.

'Future daughter-in-law? Who's that?'

Bang PD accepted the call and instantly a wide smile adorned his face.

"Yes, I'll talk to your boss about transferring you here. It's wonderful that you took my offer to consideration. See you soon..."

He hung up the call and Si Hyuk smirked at the younger.

"Looks like it's time for me to be your actual Cupid. Thank me later Joon-ah..."


Who likes Bang PD-nim here? Isn't he just the sweetest?🥺

I haven't pre-written chapters here
I'll be doing it soon so that I can update properly
Also, I have many subjects waiting in line for me to touch them
Which is the main reason why I said that updates will be irregular
Thanks for reading 💓
I love you all!!!

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