
447 31 2

Today was the day.

The day they were going to meet the PM.

To say they were nervous would be an understatement. Some of the members were even shaking due to nervousness.

"Guys, we can do this. It's not like we're going to meet a cannibal who might eat us. He's just a human but with a power labelled on him. That's all..." Seokjin reassures everyone with a subtle nod.

"Hyung's right. Don't worry. We'll do AmaJin..." Jungkook spoke flashing a wink at the oldest.

"We haven't got all day. We're meeting up at 2PM and it's already One. We've got only an hour. Hurry up!" Hoseok ushered everyone to their dressing room where their stylists were waiting for them.



"How will I leave when many people recognise my beautiful face?" Sora spoke to herself regretting being famous.

"Should I do a plastic surgery?—" she asked herself while rummaging through her cupboard for any possible disguise. "—But I don't think I can afford it since dad literally blocked my credit card. What the fuck is wrong with him?! He doesn't let me live in peace. I don't want him keeping an eye on me..."

Once she found a black mask and a black hoodie, she wore those and decided to buy ramen since she was starving as hell.

She stood away from social media since Mirae was kidnapped because she couldn't bear to see people sending love to her.

'That bitch!'

'She stole everything from me. She stole my grades. She even stole BTS from me. And now she has been rescued by her prince charming.'

Murmuring hatefully under her breath, she left her apartment to the nearest convenience store.

She entered the store and took a few triangle kimbaps and a few cup noodles, later buying them with the only physical money she had.

Just when she was about to leave the store, something stopped her in her tracks.

"Have you heard that? The PM just confirmed that he doesn't have an illegitimate daughter. That girl wasn't his daughter..." A female voice spoke scrolling through her phone.

"I heard her name was Kang Sora? Doesn't it sound very familiar?" A male voice replied to the other. Hearing this, Sora ran from the store towards her apartment.

Once she got in, she locked herself and decided against leaving to anywhere for her safety.

'What's happening now?'


Heading towards the large door, Namjoon knocked it and it was later opened by a man in his fifties.

"Oh, are you BTS?" The old man asked looking around and maintaining eye contact with each member for about a second.

"Yes sir, we are..." Namjoon and the rest bowed deeply which left the man flustered.

"O-Oh no no no no. Don't call me sir. The PM is waiting for you guys in the dining room. I'll escort you..." The man blinked nervously to which Seokjin chuckled silently.

They walked silently to the room where the PM was said to be waiting in. Once they entered, they bowed together at the man who smiled and welcomed them in with a handshake.

"I've been wanting to meet you guys since so long. It's an honour..." The PM spoke making them shake their head vigorously.

"Oh no sir. It's an honour for us to meet you. Thank you for inviting us..." BTS bowed again making him chuckle.

"Why don't you guys have a seat? We'll loosen up and talk just like we're friends..." The PM spoke making the members shocked.

Loosening up isn't easy.

"I'm a fan of you guys. I'd love it if you get comfortable around me..."

"We'll try..."

Once they all were seated, they began to talk about various topics. Including their music, the messages which impressed the PM even more.

"You guys are making our nation prouder. I really wish the best for each and every one of you..." He looked at the members admiringly to which a few looked down due to shyness.

"Since you're internationally famous, don't you feel pressure?"

"Of course we do sir, but that makes it even more worth enjoying. We enjoy what we do and it makes us happy. It mainly makes our fans happy. That's what we are aiming for..." Yoongi spoke for the first time in a while making Taehyung choke on his water.

"Looks like I passed Yoongi's vibe check—" he smiled cheekily making Yoongi chuckle. "—how do you deal with fans? Sasaengs too..." The PM voiced out his curiosity which made the atmosphere tensen up a bit.

"We're here to discuss this with you as well..."


What's gonna happen?

Thanks for being here (◕ᴗ◕✿)
I just woke up a few minutes ago and I have an exam after 1 hour.

Love y'all ❤️

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