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"I can't believe this!" Jungkook rushed towards his hyungs showing them his phone with one of the latest articles.

"Why is she missing? She can't hide too long somewhere without getting caught. Also, she has no escape. How the heck is she not found yet!?" Jungkook shouted in rage making the others sigh.

"They'll find her soon. Don't worry. She's none of our concerns now." Seokjin spoke patting the younger's head making the latter glare at him.


"Why are you worrying Kook? Things will go back to normal soon. We can breathe without worrying soon..." Taehyung asked pulling the younger into a headlock, making him struggle.

"I'm just worried. I don't want us to suffer anymore. Especially, Namjoon hyung. Please be happy," Jungkook looked up with tears in his eyes.

Everyone's eyes softened at the rare sight of Jungkook's tears.

"We'll be fine, others will be fine. It's a matter of time. Everyone's aware of who's the real culprit, so she can never escape. Also, we are idols. Sora was somehow removed, but sasaengs invading our private lives will be a part of our career which we can never remove, unless we get a strong security, which we have..."

"I wish they'd stop..."

"We all do, Taehyung..."


She was found.

But not in the condition they expected her to be in.

No one expected her to do this.

Not even herself.

After all the oppression she faced, she did it.

She took her life away.

And, she was never missed.


"Mirae, why are you crying over her death? She was one of the reasons why you suffered all this time..." Taehee frowned rubbing the latter's back, calming her down.

"Even if she did hurt me, she was one of my best friends. Did I ever expect her to backstab me? No. I didn't think she'd do this. Because of me, she took away her life..."

"Again with blaming yourself. Will you stop that!? It ain't your fault. Because of her, many were scarred, including you. You did nothing wrong. It's all her. Don't cry now. Because of her, you now know the fake and true people around you. Who expected your parents to be fake? They'll suffer..." Taehee reassures with a slight smirk making Mirae chuckle.

"You're right though. Who knew my parents didn't trust me? They were toxic. Everything happens for the best I guess..."

"That's my girl! Now, let's eat lunch and then go to your apartment to bring your stuff back..." Taehee smacked Mirae's butt making her yelp.

"What the—"

"No cursing in this household," Taehyung chuckled making her pout.

"Wait—" Mirae spoke up making the siblings freeze on their spot. "Now that I think about it, I'll throw my stuff from the apartment away, each of them hold a painful memory and I don't want to get reminded of those..." Mirae bit her lip trying not to cry.

"Yes, we'll do that..."


"We should really thank you for this, if it wasn't for you guys, we wouldn't be safe right now..." Eunwoo smiled at BTS, who returned the smile enthusiastically.

"If it wasn't for Mirae, we wouldn't have known. She helped a lot too..." Hoseok spoke smiling at the others.

"We should apologise to her as well. We misunderstood her while she was innocent the whole time..." Jackson looked down with guilt making Namjoon give a slight hug to the latter.

"It's alright. Anyone would've. We had no evidences but now we do. Atleast you know now so chillax bruh," 

"Now that you're free, let's hang out?" Jackson looked at Namjoon hopefully while he avoided eye contact and walked away smoothly like a criminal.


A few days later

"Namjoon hyung, are you ready for this?" Jimin asked the leader who started fiddling with his thumbs nervously.

"Namjoon-ah, are you sure you want to do this?" Yoongi asked.

"I will do this. I have to. We shouldn't lie to ARMY, so I should..."

"Okay then, start the live..."

Once the live started, they started talking about their next comeback which was to be expected in 2019.

"ARMYs are so talented! I've seen many fanarts which made me question my talent..." Hoseok spoke making the others chuckle.

"Hobi, your talent is spectacular!"

"Look at this comment, it says 'Yoongi, will you go on a date with me?'. Will you, hyung?" Jungkook read the comment, smirking to himself.

He thought this was the perfect time to expose his Namjoon hyung.

"This person is asking 'Joon, will you be my boyfriend?'. Answer the ARMY."
Jungkook spoke a lie inorder to create a situation to expose Namjoon's relationship status. It was planned from the beginning.

Namjoon gathered all the confidence in himself and spoke out in one breath.

"I'm sorry ARMY, I'm taken by a wonderful woman named Shin Mirae. I've a lot to tell you about this so I'll do an individual live, please look forward to it..."

He felt like he got a huge weight lifted off of his broad shoulders.

And that day, twitter went crazy with notifications.

The End

There's an epilogue though.

I'm not satisfied with the ending and so are you. I know, I tried.

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