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The hospital was busier than usual.

Especially since seeing Kim Namjoon covered in blood is not a regular sight to see.

After getting a call from Seokjin, they realised that things are going in the right track just like they had predicted. But the injury she got wasn't planned at all.

The doctor came out of the patient's room and on seeing this, an impatient Namjoon rose up on his feet.

"Doctor, is she okay?" Namjoon asked with a shaking voice. He was scared.

"She's completely alright except for the cut on her forehead. But—" the doctor paused.

"Doctor don't beat around the bush. Just spit it out!" Namjoon could feel his anxious nerves crawling on him.

"But there's a chance that she might have a concussion. After all, she was hit on her head. The memory loss will be temporary. It might last a day at minimum or maybe a month at maximum..." The doctor explained calmly and walked away making Namjoon sob.

'No. If she can't remember me, what's the point of living in my life?'

But things in life happen for a reason.


"So officer, we visited six houses. And all of them were confirmed as non sasaengs. We recorded the conversations and even took pictures as evidence. Now, please take an action against this..." Seokjin practically begged the officer infront of him who shook his head slightly with a smirk.

"Just because you're an idol, what makes you think we'll believe you just like that. For all we know, you could be the Sasaeng they were looking for..." The officer accused making the blood in Seokjin's veins boil at 100°C.

But he stayed quiet. We need to give respect in order to earn respect.

"Okay officer, think what you want. But justice always prevail. And we'll prove that. Just you wait..." Seokjin stormed off the station covering his face with a mask and a cap whereas the officers bursted out into laughter.


"Bang PD-nim, do you think they'll believe us?" Jimin asked curiously while scratching his forehead.

"I don't think they will. According to them, politics comes first so they might side with Kang Sora. But still, we've got hope..." Bang Si Hyuk looked at the maknae line who looked back at him puzzled.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asks putting both his hands around Jimin's and Jungkook's shoulder.

"Did I mention to you that you're going to meet the PM this week?"

"No. Wait what!? Why!?" Taehyung exclaimed widening his eyes.

"After listening to the UN speech, he warned to meet you. Don't you think we could use this as an opportunity? I don't think he's in good terms with her so he probably will buy our words. Which is basically the truth. What do you think?" Bang Si Hyuk wiggled his eyebrows making the younger ones chuckle.

"You sound evil PD-nim. But we like it..."


Namjoon stood infront of Mirae who stared back with a look of curiosity. The visiting hours started just now and Namjoon barged in without a second thought.

"Mirae?" He called out to her questioningly while she stared at him with the same curious look.

"Who—" she was interrupted by two unexpected faces.

"Dad? Mom?" She looked at them with a slight look of disgust mixed with a bit of hurt.

"Why are you both here?" She questioned them who blinked at her words.

"After you abandoned me, after you threw
me away, after you made me feel like a worthless piece of shit for two years, now you have the audacity to show up in front of me!?" Mirae shouted out in frustration.

"Let us explain—" her mother spoke.

"No! You've never even thought of me once in these two years. I tried to overdose myself in pills. I tried to slit my wrists open. I tried many things just so I could end life. Nobody cared. When I was accused, you didn't trust me. You still don't. I know. So you better leave before I speak something I'll regret later on..." Mirae pointed to the door while blinking her eyes, controlling her tears.


"Leave!" They both exited the room and silently closed the door.

Once they left, she broke down.

She let it all out.

All those tears she held in the past years.

Namjoon wasted no time pulling her into his embrace. He rubbed her back to calm her down while whispering sweet words into her ears.

"Namjoon-ah, I can't live like this anymore..."


Yeah, yeah, yeaahhhh

Don't drink coffee at night. I learnt my lesson. :'')

Stay safe❤️

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