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Namjoon dropped his drink completely spilling it on the floor which startled Mirae.

"I'm sorry sir, I'll prepare another one for you..." Mirae said and left to prepare his drink.

Whereas, Namjoon stood there with widened eyes and a hanging jaw.

'What is she doing here?' was the first thing he thought.

'How can I forget that she started working here today. Oh no, tannies are going to tease me...' Namjoon thought with an automatic pout finding it's way to his face.

On hearing a sweet chuckle, he turned towards the source to see the lady who left him flustered.

"Here you go. Hope you enjoy your day!" She handed him his drink with a smile that crinkled her eyes at the corners.

'Why is she so beautiful?'


"U-Uh Yes, Y-You too..." Namjoon vanished from there like a flash.

He opened the door to his studio to be greeted by the oldest member who scolded him for breaking his newly bought phone cover.


"We all know that today is Mirae Eonnie's first day. So why don't we get to know her a little bit. Let's all go out for a drink soon?" Saeron requested excitedly to which Woobin agreed happily.

"Yes Noona pleaseeeee!!! Let's go for a drink"

Mirae was hesitant because of the possibility of unexpected and unwanted events unfolding soon.

But she couldn't help but agree. It's just going out for a drink. What could possibly go wrong right?

She nodded to which the both of them hugged her tightly.

What if somebody from her past shows up?

She doesn't wanna end up regretting over her sins even more than she already does.

The moonlight started greeting Gangnam and that's when they left to get Korean BBQ.

Mirae was extremely anxious to the point that she emptied out three bottles of water which resulted in her excreting multiple times. That's TMI but still.

The trio finally reached their destination and was greeted by the smell of meat which instantly watered their mouths.

They seated themselves and Mirae spoke "I'll be the one paying since I'm the oldest. Also, it's my first day so..."

Woobin instantly denied but Mirae and her stubbornness led to herself paying for the food.

The younger ones were tipsy but still were sane so they parted their ways and left to their respective homes.

Mirae, on reaching her apartment, took out the keys and opened the door, to be greeted by the place she called jail or even more.


After writing Seokjin's song, Namjoon and the others decided to leave to get some rest after the tiring day.

Even though other members didn't go through much, Namjoon was teased to the point he stormed off due to embarrassment.

His reactions were extremely cute which amused all the members and left them eager to see more. They adored their leader so much.

He was so excited at the thought of seeing her everyday.

On reaching their dorm, Namjoon wriggled under the sheets not bothering to change his attire nor take a shower.

After all, that day was one of the most eventful days in the twenty five years of his existence.


'You bitch! How could you call yourself a human after doing such a sin!?' The girl took a blade from under her teeth to cut the latter's skin.

'You know you don't deserve to live in the same era as ours breathing the same air as us. So why bother breathing!?" A punch landed on her perfect nose.

'Die bitch die! You should die!' A pillow was pressed against her face which suffocated her.

No! Nooo!!

Gasping for breath, Mirae jolted awake from her slumber, tears threatening to spill her eyes.

'They're not wrong are they? I don't deserve to live after what I did.'

Jumping away from her bed, she poured down a glass of water and gulped it down entirely, fearing what's up in store for her future in her already messed up life.

'I couldn't have a normal life because I wasn't normal and what I did wasn't normal...'

'If only I could turn back time and correct my own mistakes...'

'If only...'


"Hey Mirae, are you listening!? They're leaving to Japan on the next flight so we'll have to somehow get the tickets to the same flight as them..." Her friend shouted from the other side of the phone to which Mirae frowned.

"Why do you want to travel in the same flight as them though? We should respect their privacy you know?" Mirae spoke with a tone of anger and disappointment.

"Hey, I can't help it. Nor will you be able to once you see them up close." Her friend reasoned.

"Whatever, I'm busy Sora. I have many tests coming up. Bye!" She hung up the phone not giving the person on the other side of the phone a chance to speak.


What is Sora upto?👀

I bet you got a slight idea of what's happening. The things hopefully will get spiced up soon.

Also readers, don't be a ghost, I want to know who all are reading this. So don't hesitate to vote and comment😉

Thanks for reading ❤️

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