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Taehyung sighed taking a seat next to his sister who was staring at Mirae with a look of concern.

"So hyung, show us the pictures you're talking about will you?" Taehyung asked glancing at his sister and Mirae from time to time.

Heaving a heavy sigh, Namjoon sat on the couch slapping his thighs and smacking his lips ready to explain.

"So, we just had a meeting with some of the idols and their CEOs who experienced the obsessive and possessive behaviour of sasaengs. Myself included,"

Taehyung nodded, not surprised at the information as he knows that every single celebrity out there goes through these on a daily basis.

"So as we all know, the one who tried to attack me is Sora, who's still behind our tails to this day even after us blacklisting that little piece of shit. Anyways, the company staff from each of these idols' companies have the footages and pictures of incidents which they consider to be a part of some kind of sasaeng activity. I've got the pictures and tell me if you recognise them. This is especially directed to My little future..." He glances at Mirae who looks at him puzzled.

'My future' which basically means My Mirae.

Choosing to ignore the indirect love confession, Mirae nodded rubbing her sweaty hands together.

Namjoon went over to his desk and rampaged through his drawers to find the envelope with a red sealing on it which read 'confidential'.

Uhhh okay?

"Open it Mirae and tell me if you know anyone of them," Namjoon smiled softly placing the envelope on her right hand to which she wasted no time and tore the cover off.

She took out the pictures with shaking hands. Oh shit. Her eyes started welling up at the first picture. On seeing this, Taehee immediately snatched the picture to take a look at it later widening her eyes in realisation.

"O-Oppa, this is-" She took all the pictures from Mirae's hands and started analysing them. She was shocked.

"All of these pictures-" looking at Taehyung and then at Namjoon she replied "-are our colleagues. From college. Now I can definitely connect the dots. Sora basically being the two faced bitch she is, framed many of our poor colleagues. She made them think that they are sasaengs when clearly she's the one behind everything. Gosh this is just...... unbelievable. I'm speechless..."

Namjoon looked at Taehee, rubbing his chin deep in thought.

"So what you're saying is, everyone in there are innocent and Sora's behind those? But, how can we confirm that?"

Taehyung shook his head immediately at the older's doubt. "Hyung, didn't many of those tried to commit suicide after people bashed on them? I think they're innocent because if they were actual sasaengs, they'd ignore and move on..."

Taehee looked at her brother in confusion.

This doesn't make any sense.

"After looking through the pictures, I can conclude a few things. As a person who was considered as Sora's best friend, I know she went to many, I quote to 'many' concerts and fanmeets with a few of these people that were in here-" She shook the envelope in her hand. "Many of those never cared about idols. Why'd they stalk them then?"

Mirae spoke up earning a nod from Taehee.

"So I guess we're onto something. I need to inform Bang PD-nim. Thanks Mirae..."
Namjoon smiled at Mirae to which she unintentionally blushed.


The release of their latest album LOVE YOURSELF 結 'Answer' shattered various records. Their success skyrocketed globally and they even got a chance to speak at the UN.

Time flies within a blink of an eye and we don't even notice.

BTS' schedules were tightly packed and they kept the "Sasaeng issue" on hold, since they are obviously not getting time.

Why wouldn't the company handle it?

Because they have a plan.

And they'll execute it brilliantly.

But, everything happens when the time is right.


Walking home after work, she entered the nearest ice cream parlour to ice up her tastebuds.

Savouring her ice cream, she begins to head towards her studio apartment where she lived from day one.

But........something was off.

She couldn't help but feel an intense gaze on her from behind. Someone was definitely following her.

Being paranoid, she glanced behind her to be greeted by nothing but chilly air from the aircon and an isolated hallway.

'But I did feel something though...' she thought to herself cracking her neck.

She opened her clutch searching for the keys to her apartment, humming the tune of euphoria to herself.

It lasted until she smelled something sweet and fell into deep slumber.


What's sweet?

This chapter literally has 777 words😲
Thanks for reading 💓

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