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Jackson,Moonbin,Namjoon and Leeteuk gathered Infront of Si Hyuk and Soo Man who were discussing about the sasaeng activities taking place around them.

"I'm pretty darn sure that Kang Sora is not the one in the pic," Leeteuk spoke earning a nod from the rest.

"RM-ssi, I don't think we can trust you on behalf of this situation as it's been pretty clear that you like the one in the picture..." Soo Man pointed out making Namjoon blush although it's not the right time.

"The one in the picture is Shin Mirae and don't worry, she's one of our trustworthy staffs. I did a background check on her before letting her join the company. So, don't worry Mr.SM, she's definitely not a sasaeng..." Si Hyuk spoke with a smirk making Soo Man clear his throat from awkwardness.

"What proof do you have Namjoon-ssi?" Asked Moonbin with a hint of desperation in his eyes.

Namjoon chuckled shaking his head maintaining eye contact with each person in the room.

"What do you think?"


"I'm home!!" A very deep yet familiar voice called out gaining the attention from Mirae, Taehee and her parents.

"Oppa? Why are you here? Isn't your comeback soon?" Taehee asked confusedly, walking towards the older to pull him up in an embrace.

"I missed you oppa..."

"I missed you too. But I'm sad that the first thing you asked me once I came here is why am I here. I'm disappointed Taehee..." Taehyung spoke faking a pout.

"Noooo oppa. I missed you and I didn't expect you..." Tightening her grip on him, she cried.

"Aww I love you. Where's Appa and Eomma?—" Looking around he made eye contact with his mother "—Aah there you are and wait...Mirae, is that you?"

Smiling awkwardly she nodded her head up and down.

"She's the bestfriend I've always talked to you about..." Taehee spoke proudly putting her arms around Mirae's shoulder.

"Wait...the Kang Sora case? She's the victim?"

Mirae stared at him with her mouth agape. He knew all along?

"Now that I think about it, yes! I might be catching onto something. I need to tell Namjoon hyung..." Taehyung took out his phone ready to contact Namjoon to be stopped by Mirae. Taehyung looked at her, confusion painted on his face.

"I don't want to burden him. He's an idol. Getting involved with sasaengs isn't the best..." Mirae tried to convince Taehyung.

"Sweetie, we know. Kang Sora, the one who framed you, is Namjoon hyung's Sasaeng. She's been annoying us from three years. We need to poison the pest you know?" He said dialling Namjoon's number.

"What do you mean? I don't understand..."

"Kang Sora visits our company daily. She's been blacklisted by many companies including ours but we never got to clean her off completely because of the influence she has. Although I don't think her father will support this once he finds out. We have many proofs. Currently Namjoon hyung is busy meeting up with other victims gathering up proofs to send to the PM. Once we do, we're clear..." Taehyung spoke with a smile of relief.

"How long did you know about this?" Mirae asked, her voice shaking.

"We knew it from three years. We couldn't approach the PM due to our schedule..." Mirae scoffed at that.

"Your schedule's more important than a few lives!? So you do know that I'm not a sasaeng! That I'm innocent! That I've been neglected! Why couldn't you think of doing this earlier?! Why couldn't you meet up earlier and get my name cleared eventhough you never knew I existed!? You could've easily pointed all the evidences to Kang Sora! That bitch! Who ruined my life! Who's the reason why I was abandoned!  If you would've done that earlier, if you would've handed out the proofs to the PM earlier, Hyuna wouldn't have committed suicide! Many wouldn't even have thought of suicide! Now that I think about it, people who were close to her, were framed by her! I regret everything! I regret existing! My parents hate me! My boss bullied me for two continuous years! My parents never believed in me! The Ahgases and Now ARMYs, literally more than One hundred and fifty million people despise me, for something I didn't do, because of her! And still you guys couldn't think of doing this earlier!? Why does it matter huh!? We only lose a few worthless lives isn't it!? I should've just killed mys—"

"Enough Mirae!" Taehee pulled her into a hug, whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

"Don't keep it in. Let it all out..." And that's all it took for Mirae to burst into tears along with Taehee and her family, including Taehyung.

"We were scared to look into it. We weren't from a big company after all. But now they can't stop us..."

"Mirae-ah, we'll fix this. I contacted my brother earlier. This is getting out of hand and it's better late than never. The past is in the past. We can't dwell on it. We should move on. Life goes on. Everything's going to be just right. Kang Sora will end up getting what she deserves. If it means getting locked up behind the bars, then be it..." Mr.Kim spoke with a reassuring smile while Mrs.Kim wiped away Mirae's tears using her thumbs.

"Your parents may have left you and never chose to believe you. But we will. You're my daughter now..." Mrs.Kim said planting a kiss on Mirae's forehead.

"Now I'm your oppa huh? Joonie hyung better be careful around you or i'mma punish him..." Taehyung spoke with a teasing smile making everyone chuckle.

"There's that smile we all love..."

And that's how she was welcomed as Taehyung's and Taehee's sister.


How's everyone doing?
It's been a while I guess.
I've been losing motivation to do literally anything so I had to keep it on hold for a while.
Sorry :(((

Thanks for reading till here ❤️
Stay safe and healthy

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