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Warning: Sensitive content ahead: self harm.

"W-Where did Y-You get this number from Sora?" she stuttered heavily, afraid of what's about to happen if all of a sudden this person contacted her out of nowhere.

"I'm rich, powerful and can have anything I desire within a snap of my fingers, what do you expect Mirae?" Sora spoke darkly to which Mirae gulped, tears filling her eyes.

'She's the reason why I'm suffering. I don't deserve this. No I do. I committed a crime...' Mirae had a conflict with her thoughts.

Without realising, a sob escaped her throat to which Sora giggled.

"Awwww is my baby crying? Mama won't do anything to her best friend hmm..." she spoke in a mocking tone earning even more sobs from Mirae.

"The fact that you have no one on your side, including your parents makes everything easy for me to just...kshh eliminate you..." She bragged making Mirae rethink her life decisions.

If she didn't help her that day, she wouldn't have been in this situation.

If she didn't wait for her at the airport that day, nothing could've happened.

Controlling her sobs, she tried her best to speak.

"Why are you calling me now? What do you want? Haven't you done enough? Haven't you broken me already? Why didn't you kill me back then if you were so jealous?" She interrogated keeping her voice steady.

"Woah woah slow down tiger. I ain't answering any of those cuz I don't have to. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to see how it went with drugging the cookies..."

"So you were the one who drugged my batter! How could you! I thought you were an ARMY! I guess not..." Shaking her head disappointedly, she hung up her call not allowing the latter to speak, later blocking the number from ever contacting again.

After hanging up, she sat on her bed and started crying out loud. Scratching herself, she tore her pillow and threw it away the feathers flying midair.

Walking to her bathroom, she stared at herself in her mirror. Reddened eyes and nose, red bruises at unnoticeable places.

She wanted to create a noticeable one for herself to grieve upon. Looking around, she found a blade. Taking it in her soft hands, she stared at it closely for a few seconds, thinking about all the things she had done in life.

And then she cut herself, multiple times, hissing and smiling from pain, till her wrists became numb.

Satisfied at her work, she grabbed the bottle of pills from her kitchen shelf, gulping them down with water and laying on the bed, drifting away to dreamland. More like nightmare.


Namjoon was wriggling in his bed thinking of the positive events that took place that day.

He couldn't stop thinking about her at all.

'Mirae, I love you a lot but stop invading my thoughts. I'm getting shy...'

"Namjoon hyung, why are you so energetic after the performance? Sleep..." Jimin spoke in a sleepy voice walking over to his bed and jumping on it, out like a light.

Namjoon grabbed his phone and looked at the time.


'I better sleep. But I can't tdjdkcifditdo'

After contemplating whether to sleep or not, he decided it's best to sleep or else he'll probably doze off in-between practices.

Thinking of tiring things, he fell asleep drifting into his Dreamland. A beautiful novel penned by the fate filled with moments of euphoria shared between him and his love.


"What is it PD-nim that you called me for? Any change in Hoseok's style?" The makeup artist asked expectantly earning a chuckle of disbelief from the boss.

"I called you in here to say that you're no longer needed in here. After the stunt that you pulled along with those two, I'd rather have a sincere person working for us. Please go pack your stuff and get out of here!"

On hearing this, tears welled up in her eyes. On seeing that the effort made trying to grab sympathy failed, she left the place looking down at her feet, while cursing under her breath.

The rest two, the security and the janitor were fired the day before just by a small message. That's what they deserve.

After this chaos came to an end, Mirae was called into his office.

Mirae walked in quietly, not daring to make eye contact with the boss. She wasn't in her best state.

On seeing her state, a frown made its way to his face. Walking over, he kept a hand on her shoulder asking the question she never got to hear since ages.

"Are you okay?"

On hearing those three words, she burst into tears, covering both her eyes with her hands.

Bang PD pulled her into a hug and patted her back chanting 'it's gonna be okay...'

But are things going to be ever okay?

It's just a saying people use to convince themselves so they can bring comfort to themselves.

But it's never true.

'I'm not okay...'


Hello! You know what is it! Annyeonghasaeyo! Hello!😆

What if I say that this book's gonna end soon?

I always forget to proofread which is why if u see any typos, grammatical errors forgive me😭

I'll be updating every Friday if I can, starting this Friday so I guess you can look forward to my updates on fridays

Thanks for reading till here!!! It means a lot!!♥️
The ⭐ is highly sanitized, you can make it 🌟

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