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To say that she was nervous would be an understatement. She was absolutely terrified. After all she was going to be working under one of the most respected CEOs in the music industry.

But after discovering the connection between Bang Si Hyuk and Park Jin Young, Mirae hesitated.

She didn't want anything to do with her past anymore. She regrets it to the point she wants to disappear ultimately from the face of earth.

But, facing your fears is what makes you strong isn't it?

She tried her best convincing herself to join the company café. There's nothing to worry about Mirae, everything is going to be alright.

After all the saying 'everything is going to be alright' is just a sentence used to convince yourself to feel at ease. But it's never true. The reality proves the opposite.

Sighing to herself, she picked up her phone and dialled the person who communicated with her recently.

She felt her palms sweating and her breathing fastened.

'Should I do this? Is this worth it?'

The person on the other side of the line picked up and Mirae blurted out
"Does your offer to work at the café still stand out?"

What she said didn't even make sense in her brain once she processed her words. But the reply to it made her feel at ease and somehow she felt like a huge weight's been lifted off her shoulders.

'So my boss will transfer me to the company's café tomorrow. Sounds good'

This all felt like a dream to her. The Company with one of the best artists in the world, wants her to work in their café, and that too by their choice. She never approached them before. They approached her.

She pinched herself a multiple times and the pain on her fore arm was still lingering and the bruise is almost visible.

But she questioned, whether she's worthy of happiness even in the least.

She hurt many. She left scars to many. And she left scars to her already wounded life.


The youngest member was busy bickering with the oldest on who's going to take the window seat in the car they'll soon be using to go to their MV site.

Jungkook won the argument after a few rounds of arm wrestling while the others just shook their heads at the behaviour of the two.

"Namjoon hyung, I heard about you admiring someone secretly. How come, the all-know-it-all person a.k.a me never came across this tea?" The youngest asked pinching the latter on his thigh.

"Ouch Kook! Keep your hands to yourself. And yes! I am admiring someone. So what?" Namjoon crossed his hands over his chest with a natural pout creeping up to his face.

"Kookie, did you just call yourself a know- it-all and expose your nosy ass a little?" Taehyung asked chuckling at the adorable pout on Namjoon's face.

"After all, he was my boy crush. I deserve to know right? But I'm happy for you hyung. I can't wait to meet her..." A cute bunny smile made its way on Jungkook's face as he said that.

"The fact that despite all the heavy schedule, he always made time to go to the café and secretly admire her. Ohh so Romantic!" Jimin said in a dreamy tone to which the oldest member scoffed.

"It's definitely romantic in a sense but also a bit creepy. Why didn't you approach her earlier Joon?" Seokjin asked to which Namjoon slightly looked down.

"I was shy..."

On hearing this reply the whole car became silent. Later filled with loud laughters.

"Aww look at our leader so soft. I'm so proud of you..." Yoongi removed a fake tear from the corner of his right eye while showing his gummy smile for the world to see.

Hoseok started his seal clapping and everyone joined in teasing the leader until he kept his airpods in and increased the volume of the music passing through his eardrums to maximum.


"So, I'm happy to announce that you no longer work under me. You were a burden and I honestly have no idea why I let you work here. Now you can go to that company by yourself and please don't show up in this place unless you wish to taste the coffee prepared by me which will be poisoned so that I can just end you..." Her manager spoke to her with a fake smile which can be easily determined by an outsider as a fake one.

What the heck?

She bowed deeply and left the place as soon as she could to find the Bighit building or whatever.

She asked a passerby for the location who willingly walked her to the building and she was really thankful that she went and offered that person a coupon book from Haneul café.

How does she have those? She worked there till the day before. Obviously she had those in stock.

Who wouldn't want to receive coupons ensuring you discounts for foods and beverages from the best café in Gangnam?

She finally reached the huge building with the help of the passerby and entered through the automatic glass doors which opened once it censored her presence.

She was greeted by vast halls and a huge lift at the centre.

She went to the receptionist who fished for further details. And once seeing that she's supposed to visit, leads her to the CEO's office.

The door opened to the same man who ordered beverages several times before and she couldn't help but bow out of respect, especially after knowing that he's the CEO.

"Shin Mirae, Welcome to the Bighit Family..."


Ooooooh The story hasn't started yet
But y'all have to wait for the tea👀☕

Thanks for reading ❣️
Please don't hesitate to comment, I won't bite, unless you want me to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also, the poor star is crying because it can't shine like others, please help the lovely thing shine🌟

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