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"I missed you Taehee! I'm so sorry for cutting all contacts. I had to inorder to keep you and your brother safe..." tightening the grip around her, Mirae sobbed.

"Why did you disappear just like that? Huh? I would have protected you. I even warned you to not listen to her but you still...nevermind...let's not dwell on the past. How are you doing?"

"I'm honestly...not good. Sora is threatening me. Hurting me. When no one's there she...she added me to a group of sasaengs and said if I tried to exit she'll hurt my family. I'm scared..." Mirae cried out earning a kiss on the forehead from Taehee.

"I'll listen. Tell me everything..." giving a squeeze on her shoulder, she smiled softly at Mirae.


"Namjoon hyung, I-"

"Sora, that bitch. So all these years, even when I admired her from a far, she was hurting all alone. And I couldn't protect her. I couldn't approach her. If I did-"

"Joonie, everything in this world happens for a reason. Don't dwell on the past..."


"No buts. Just listen. Inform Jackson about this. Instantly..." Yoongi demanded to which the leader nodded and contacted Jackson immediately.

"Seunnie, are you busy?"

"What a surprise! Usually I'd be the one to contact you first. Since you started the conversation, no I'm not busy. Why Joonie?"

"I want to talk. Bighit. One hour."

"Huh wha-"

Namjoon hung up the call, making his way towards his studio to think of all the possibilities that happened as to how she got framed.

'I will protect Mirae and let her know that everyone, especially someone like her deserves to be loved, protected and cherished till the end...'


"So you're telling me, you've been working at the bighit company for a while now..." asked Taehee earning a nod from Mirae.

"And you know all members of BTS. Including Taehyung. Also Namjoon confessed!?" Mirae nodded her head again with a small smile.

"Oww what was that for?" Rubbing her arm where Taehee pinched, she pouted.

"You idiot. Babo. Baka. Fool. Arghh! You seriously don't know my brother?" Mirae shook head with an awkward smile.

"I've only heard you talking about him. I don't know his name nor have I seen him..." reasoned Mirae earning a flick on her forehead from Taehee.

"He's my older brother!" Cried out Taehee.


"Kim Taehyung. BTS V"

"Ooh...WHAT!? Really!? Oh my God!"

Facepalming, Taehee shook her head. "Whatever, so you know that you're one of the victims of Sora right? You did nothing wrong. She's the reason behind you hurting from the last few years. What I don't understand is, your parents never trusted you?"

"I-I don't know. Why? Why would they leave me just like that? Did they hate me?" She started crying for the millionth time that day.

"Hey hey," wiping away her tears, Taehee pulled her into a hug.

"I'm here now. We have many people on our side. Don't cry..."


"So, what's up?" Jackson asked flashing a smile at his best friend.

"The ceiling..." Namjoon laughed on earning a gasp from the other.

"I'm here to talk about a serious case. The sasaeng who stalked you two years ago," on hearing about it, his face darkened.

"What about it? I saw a pic of her kissing your cheek. I didn't think you'd stoop down that low and date a certified Sasaeng..." on hearing such a reply, Namjoon widened his eyes.

"You've got it all wrong. Which is why I wanted to talk to you..." creating a professional look, Jackson nodded.

"Go on..."

"The one you saw in the pic was Shin Mirae. And yes I like her. No. I love her. But all these while, she was framed. By none other than the original Kang Sora. Me revealing this can affect my life, but I have to. Kang Sora was your Sasaeng. Kang Sora was Astro's Moonbin's Sasaeng. Kang Sora was EXO's Baekhyun's Sasaeng and she was also...my Sasaeng,"

Taking a deep breath, Namjoon continued "We blacklisted her multiple times, SM did the same and many other companies too but we couldn't stop her. Why? She was the PM's illegitimate daughter. No one would believe us. We needed to gather more victims. Me, You, Moonbin, Baekhyun, Leeteuk and many others. Also, the fact that we think Mirae is the sasaeng is because, Sora framed her. And we've got proof..."

"She also framed that innocent fan named Baek Hyuna which led to her suicide. No, I can't let Mirae have a similar fate. I love her. Please Jackson. I beg you. Believe me. I'd do anything. Just...help us..."

Jackson stared at Namjoon for a while and then nodded with a smile, pulling the latter into a warm hug.

"Let's connect proofs and inform her father..."


Sigh. Where is this heading to?

Thanks for reading till here❤️
Stay safe💜

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