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'Who is that girl who kissed Namjoon oppa on the cheek?' a girl in disguise, spied on Namjoon gasping in jealousy.

'I've got to reveal it soon,' She thought, snapping a picture of the both saying goodbyes to each other.

Smirking in victory, she hid behind the bushes so she can follow him till his dorm once he's out.


"The test results are out..." Bang PD-nim announced bringing the results towards the boys resting in their dorm's living room.

The boys curiously yet nervously looked at the man whose face showed no emotions as he handed out the papers to the leader who instantly went through the results.

Gasping in shock, all the boys looked at each other. Especially shocked at the fact that, the cookies were drugged.

But never did they even think of Mirae being the one doing that. Although she was a bit reserved at the beginning, she began to open up little by little to them. So they never suspected her.

But they didn't know her well either did they?


So there was only one option left.

The CCTV footages.

Bang PD-nim took out his laptop from his car and came back to the dorm, greeted by seven nervous men.

He showed the footage he earlier downloaded, and it had nothing but Mirae mixing the batter.

Nothing Suspicious. Just a regular day occurrence.

Seokjin looked closely to the screen furrowing his eyebrows, and all of a sudden smirked.

He started clapping and laughing out of nowhere which startled the rest, who looked at him puzzled.

"Many of y'all have higher IQ than me and none of you saw it. Look closely. The footage has definitely been cut in-between. Also Jungkookie, what are you doing here? Go and rest..." Seokjin looked over the youngest who shrugged and left to his room, since he looked obviously so tired.

"Jin hyung is right! It feels like some part of the footage is definitely missing," Hoseok pointed out, zooming the clip closer to Mirae.

"Guys, our security staff must know something about this. Call the person incharge..." Taehyung spoke frowning deeply at what the younger had to experience because of someone drugging their snacks.

Bang PD chuckled heartily.

"You think that someone can get away with deleting just a few footages that they got to delete? No. Because whatever happens, I have an extra copy that no one has access to. Not even my wife..."

Bang Si Hyuk and his wife Y/N has been married since twenty years and they married out of love. They shared every single secret with each of them. But this one.

He took his laptop away from the boys and started browsing and almost jumped in delight when he found the said footage. Bringing the laptop to the boys, he pressed play and then everything made sense.

It was Hoseok's makeup artist behind this. But she wouldn't do it for a reason would she?

Going back, he saw a few words being exchanged between the said artist, the security incharge and the janitor? What!

Later next day, they're to be fired from their job for insincerity and irresponsibility.

'No wonder why she tried to accuse Mirae indirectly. But what does she have anything got to do with any of these? She came here on behalf of Bang PD and no one knew her other than me. What did she do?' Namjoon thought to himself shaking his head at his curiosity.

"Guys, I'm a bit tired so I'll go to sleep. Thanks Si Hyuk hyung for this..." Seokjin winked at the older who smiled in return and left their dorm.

It definitely was such a long day.


Mirae started using her phone once Jimin persuaded her into joining their group chat. She was scrolling through her contacts to later stop at Namjoon's.

She stared at his picture for a few minutes, blushing thinking about what happened earlier.


Mirae tried her best avoiding Namjoon after the small kiss she gave him on his cheek without thinking.

Taking her belongings, she strolled faster towards the exit to be later pulled by a muscular arm wrapping around her arm.

She forgot how to speak on making eye contact with the dragon eyes staring at her softly, which she started to admire.

Not giving time to speak, Namjoon pressed his warm lips onto her forehead, which froze her on the spot.

"Reach home safely..." grinning from ear to ear, he spoke and walked away, content with what just happened.

Meanwhile, Mirae stood stuck to her roots processing what just happened, later coming to her senses, she ran away blushing.

End of flashback

While, admiring his face, her phone vibrated out of nowhere scaring the hell out of her.

She looked closely to realise that it's an unknown number. Was it worth the risk picking up the call?

Shrugging away her thoughts, she accepted the call and muttered a small 'hello' to the other side.

"Hello," was all she heard which froze her on the spot. She started breathing heavily into the phone to hear a chuckle from the other side.

"Judging by your heavy breathing, it looks like you still remember me, Shin Mirae..."


Who's that?👀

You wanna know what I do when I can't sleep at night?
I write drafts till I get a headache
And that's exactly what happened yesterday
(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Take care guys💞
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