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Namjoon softly looked into her eyes, wiping her tears with his thumb. He didn't want to meddle in-between her life but he also wanted to do that. He loved her.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon whispered so gently, to which she shook her head which surprised him and herself.

"I'm f-fine Namjoon. Just.....l-leave me..."

"How can I leave you just like that? I love you. I care about you. I'm worried about you. You've been avoiding me like a pandemic since last week and.....it h-hurts" he said, clenching the part of his shirt covering his chest and then holding both of her shoulders.

"I'm sorry..." She looked down tears threatening to spill her eyes.

"Why? Why can't you just admit that you've fallen for me too?" His grip on her shoulders tighten after seeing her shake her head.

"I just can't..."

"Why do you keep saying that?" Namjoon asked frustratedly running his right hand through his hair while the other hand rested on her shoulder.

"I don't deserve you. I'm not worthy of love. You deserve someone better, someone who hasn't committed a crime..." she let it all out in one breath.

"What crime are you talking about? The past is in the past. Focus on the present..."

"No. I'm sorry..." removing his hand from her shoulder, she unlocked the door and left the studio, leaving a worried sick Namjoon behind.

'I'll show you that everyone deserves love...'


Twitter was blowing up with notifications.

What's going on?

Jungkook was sitting on the couch, scrolling through the app through his private account. Seeing the trending tab, he called out his hyungs who rushed towards him in a heartbeat.

"Namjoon hyung got kissed by Mirae! Woohoo!" Taehyung cheered not fully aware of the situation.

"Wait, what's all this about? Kang Sora, the sasaeng who trailed after GOT7 specially aiming Jackson Wang was found kissing BTS' RM's cheek. Is Kim Namjoon in a relationship with a Sasaeng? Who the fuck created this article, and that's not Sora, that's Mirae. And what's this about her being a Sasaeng? I'm confused..." Jimin shouted in disbelief earning a nod from Yoongi.

"Wow, sasaengs are stupid..."

"What are you hinting on Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook asked, curiously staring at him with his widened doe eyes.

They stared at him even more earning a scoff from the latter.

"Guys, are y'all acting dumb or are y'all actually dumb? The person in this pic is Shin Mirae not Kang Sora. And who exactly is Kang Sora? The one Sasaeng who no matter how many times gets blacklisted, never gives a shit about it..."

"You mean that wench. I get it Yoongi but I need more explanation on what you're saying..." the oldest member stroked his chin waiting for the other to explain.

Heaving a sigh, Yoongi started explaining.

"That Sora who visits here frequently is a certified Sasaeng. We all know that. Bighit blacklisted her multiple times but couldn't file a case because of her father being the PM. But you see, we know what's her intention. She enjoys her reputation and she wants to protect it, which is why she frames innocent people. Remember last time Baek Hyuna got framed by an anonymous Sasaeng for going to Astro's fanmeet?"

"Yes. I remember Eunwoo talking about it. He was so guilty because of the bullying Hyuna had to go through. But unfortunately, she was already depressed from the start which made her take her life..." Jungkook replied with a frown on his face.

"We don't want something like that to happen again right? So these netizens are basically talking about the incident that happened two years ago. The incident Jinyoung Park decided to bat an eye at just like that..." Jimin came to his conclusion.

"Mirae isn't a Sasaeng. She was framed. She was bullied. But those bullies just convinced Mirae that she doesn't deserve love. Which is why Mirae rejected Namjoon? Just my theory..." Taehyung said grinning earning a glare from Yoongi.

Just then, Namjoon entered the scene with red eyes. He has been crying for a while.

Seokjin took his hand and started to walk near the couch, making the younger sit while plopping himself on it.


Looking at him softly, the older explained the chaos that just unveiled itself by an anonymous user on all social media platforms.


Her phone started ringing increasing her heartbeat rate along with it. On seeing the contact, a wide smile appeared on her face. Kim Taehee. Sliding sideways, she answered the call.

"H-Hello," she spoke with a shaky voice due to crying.

"M-Mirae-ah...Is that really you? Please tell me you're alive...I m-missed you..."

Hearing her best friend's voice after two years, made her break down crying.

After sobbing for a while, Taehee spoke "I need to see you. Send me your location. Now!"

Nodding her head even though nobody could see it, she told her the location and hung up the call once the other decided to visit right away.

On hearing the doorbell, she turned and walked towards the door, looking through the peephole.

Opening the door, she was tackled in a tight embrace, suffocating her.

'Oh how much I missed her...'


What did you have for breakfast?

I feel weird for no reason hahahaha
My cousin sister got married on 6th and I still can't believe it. I feel old.

How are y'all??

Thanks for reading till here❤️
Love you guys💕
Stay safe and drink minimum 8 glasses of water per day

Make the lil' star ✨ twinkle✨ if you enjoyed it

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