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After letting all out, she wiped her face with the ends of her sleeves, not ready to answer anything the person Infront of her was going to ask.

"What's wrong Mirae? You know you can talk to me right?"

It felt a bit strange hearing something like this from the boss' mouth. But, the boys definitely know more.

Shaking her head, she replied 'I'm fine...' and bowed deeply apologizing for crying.

A person who says 'I'm fine' is screaming 'Save me' internally.

Heaving a deep sigh, Bang PD-nim said "It's okay. Tell any of us when you feel comfortable. But right now the reason why I called you is to tell you about those drugged cookies..."

On hearing that, her eyes widened.

'What if he knows Sora in person? She's a manipulator...'

"Those cookies where drugged by three of the company staff. Well, don't worry they're out and you're safe. They wanted to frame you. But why? They never even knew you in the beginning..." He confusedly asked.

'If only he knew...' thought Mirae, gulping down a huge lump forming in her throat.

"I don't know PD-nim..." Mirae replied in a rather shaky voice after all the sobbing she had done.

"Oh we'll be looking into it. Now you can leave dear," Nodding at her reply, he dismissed her.

Strolling away from the room, she closed the door behind her. Several thoughts were swirling inside her head making her suffocate.

Walking towards the café, she was pulled away by someone not giving her time to process what's happening. She turned around to catch a glimpse of the person dragging her.

He took her inside his studio and closed the door behind him, pinning her to the wall. On seeing her exhausted face, his smile fell and was replaced with a frown.

"Mirae, what happened? Were you crying?" Wiping the tear that fell from her eye using his thumb, he stared at her with concern.

Mirae shook her head, curling her lips into a fake smile. "I'm okay Namjoon-ah. Don't worry..."

While on the other hand, Namjoon was contemplating whether it was the best time to open his heart to her. He decided to give her a slight clue.

"Why are you so beautiful?" Namjoon asked boldly to which she blushed in return not expecting this question out of nowhere.

"Do you know something?" Mirae looked upto his face "You're one of the first few people whom I can never stop thinking about, obviously after my mother..."

Widening her eyes, she stared at him with adoration.

"I really like you Mirae..."

Tears started welling up in her eyes after his brief yet confident confession. After all, she liked him too.

"I-I'm sorry Joon-ah. You deserve someone better. Not a person like me..." escaping his hold, she backed away from him ready to leave the studio.

"Y-You don't l-like me?" He asked with a heartbroken voice, which almost made sobs escape Mirae's mouth. But no.

She doesn't deserve love. After what she did. Never.

Not replying to him, she ran away from the studio to the ladies washroom, locking herself behind one of the stalls.

She started crying her heart out. Why can't she just admit it? She likes him too. Like might be a weaker word to describe her feelings towards him. She loves him.
But she can't ever accept it. Because she's unworthy.


The next day, a heartbroken Namjoon made his way to their practice room shaking away all those negative thoughts.

'Am I not handsome enough?'

'Does she really not like me?'

'She doesn't want to be with a guy like me?'

What does she mean by a person like her? What did she do?

Why is she pushing him away? If she doesn't like him, she could just say that. But she didn't. Instead she ran away.

Why was she crying? Is she okay? Did she eat well? Did he see the marks on her wrists? Is she hurting herself?

Many questions found their way to Namjoon's head. Why?

What's wrong? Does she not trust him enough to tell him what's bothering her?

"Namjoon hyung, please, I know it's difficult to not think about it but, stop thinking about it. Let her find her thoughts. She might be lost..." the youngest member reasoned staring at the leader's face with concern.

"You said she was crying and there were bruises on her wrists right? Someone maybe hurting her or maybe she's doing it to herself. She'll confront any of us when she feels comfortable. Let's not interfere. She might be going through something..." Jimin suggested, massaging his temples.

Namjoon sighed heavily. Thinking of the possibility of her hurting made his heart clench in pain.

'She might be pushing me away, but I'll always protect her...'


Pacing back and forth in her apartment, Mirae thought of ways to overcome the current situation.

She scrolled through her contacts, looking for the perfect person.

Stopping at the person who was once her best friend.

Kim Taehee.


Any clues on who's Kim Taehee?

I'm supposed to update today so here ya go~
Thanks for reading ❤️
Stay safe and drink loads of water
Now that I think about it, I gotta pee
So bye 🏃‍♀️

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