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"Jeon Jungkook! How many times do I have to warn you?" The shortest member pulled out his hair due to frustration.

"Warn me about what?" Spoke the younger glancing at Jimin with an innocent look painted on his face.

"Stop calling me short will you? I'm still taller than Bang PD-nim..." Jimin explained holding his hands akimbo.

"Why are we arguing when I just stated a fact? Hyung, you're short—" Jungkook spoke with a smirk slowly walking towards the elder, and later patting his head. "—but you're cute..." he whispered after a pause making Jimin smirk.

"What crack are you on Jeon? You're acting weird. Anyway, Tae was looking for you earlier. Something about a black underwe—"

"Aaaaah Suga hyung!!!" Jungkook ran as fast as flash in search of Taehyung who held an underwear in his custody but came back as he realised Taehyung was standing next to him the whole time while Yoongi and Jimin chuckled at the younger's antics.

As soon as Jungkook came back, the leader approached the others clapping his hands for their attention.

"Guys, we're almost done with our schedule. Why don't we go out for dinner?"

"Who'll pay? Jin hyung, will you?" The youngest member looked at the oldest oh so innocently earning a nervous chuckle from the latter.

"Sure Jungkook ah..."

A sudden ringtone from Taehyung's phone startled the rest of the members. But Taehyung hung up without looking at the contact.

"Why did you hang up? What if it's importa—" Yoongi was interrupted by another ring on his phone to which he answered.

"Hello Taehee. Why are you calling me? Kind of unusual I—"

"YOONGI OPPA! MIRAE IS NOT IN HER APARTMENT!" Taehee screamed through the phone interrupting Yoongi, while sobbing heavily.

"Huh? Maybe she went to a grocery or—"

"We already went grocery shopping day before yesterday. Something's wrong. Why isn't Tae oppa picking up his phone!?"
Taehee exclaimed interrupting Yoongi. Again.

"Taehyung is right beside—"

"Hand him the phone—"

"Taehee, calm down. I'll explain everything to him. You explaining everything at the moment will make no sense to him since you're shaken up. I'm hanging up. Don't worry. We'll fix this..."
Yoongi reassured the younger hanging up the call.

"Are you and my sister in a relationship!? What the—"

"Taehyung, calm the fuck down. This is serious..." Yoongi spoke intimidatingly gaining the members' attention.

"What happened Yoongi?"

"It looks like Mirae just got kidnapped. Also, why am I not surprised?" Yoongi spoke casually earning gasps from the rest simultaneously.

"Why are you so calm about this?" Namjoon clenched his jaw looking away from Yoongi.

"You can't be calm knowing what's happening so atleast someone has to be calm in order to bring her back. Am I wrong?" Raising his eyebrows, he questioned the leader who stood silent at his interrogation.

"So what are we going to do then?" Hoseok spoke up looking at Yoongi.

"We have to execute a plan. And then, we need to assign duties to each of us..."


Opening her eyes, she blinked continuously to adjust to the darkness. She was hungry and thirsty so she decided to stand up and head to the kitchen.

But she couldn't move.

And that's when it hit her.

'Where am I?'

'Why am I tied?'

'Why are my lips sealed with a tape?'

"Oh dear. Look who decided to wake up from her beauty sleep—" a female voice spoke turning on a small lamp making the surroundings a little bit visible.

"Shin Mirae. Daughter of Shin Hyungwon and Shin Hyejin. Graduated from Law college and was on a hideout for two years. And now, is working at the cafe at Bighit building. Looks like you're currently in the process of seducing Kim Namjoon. What a slut!" The female spoke walking towards Mirae with something behind her arm. What's she hiding?

Struggling to escape from the ropes tied on her, she kept mumbling to herself non-stop which went unheard by the female.

The tape was pulled off of her lip harshly to which she screamed out in pain. This resulted in her getting by the female with a rod.

So that's what she was hiding.

"W-Who are y-you? Why did you b-bring me here?"

Her laughter echoed through the empty basement.

"I'm Namjoon's wife. This explains why you're here..." Grasping her cheeks harshly, she forced Mirae to face her.

Mirae began to shed tears making the person chuckle. But, all of a sudden, her lips curved into a smile. Scoffing, she spoke "Bold of you to assume that I believe you. Sweetie, you're being delusional..."

And there she gets another hit with the rod.

"Bitch! He's mine. Not yours..." She choked Mirae making her gasp for air. Once the hands left her neck, Mirae smiled once again.

"I never said that he belongs to me. Nor did he say you belong to him. He belongs to himself. But now that you're provoking me, I'd love to have him all for myself. Thank you for making me get into my senses..." 

Frustration kicks in and that's when she pulls Mirae's hair painfully.

"He. Belongs. To. Me."

"No I don't..."


Are you lost babyghorl?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

My exams started today so I'm not in a good mood. Anyway, thanks for reading!!

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