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"ARMYYYYYY!!! Can you see me!?" Namjoon waved his hands at the camera which stared back at him. He waited for the viewers to join so that he can continue with what he had in plan.

He wanted to do a revelation.

A shocking revelation.

Although he did reveal a few of it to ARMY.

"Let's wait for five more minutes shall we?" He asked sipping on his coffee once every few seconds.

After a few minutes, he sighed heavily and spoke "alright my lovelies, let's begin hmm,"

He looked at the person behind the camera and smiled at them lovingly.

'Yes. It's time...'

"I'm going to tell you one of the most loveliest experience I've ever been through. One of the hobbies I enjoyed with all my heart other than making music, the reason of my happiness right now,—" he spoke taking a deep breath and then closing his eyes to calm himself down.

"Okay, this story is kinda like exposing myself but I think it's funny so here we go," he kept stalling for god knows how.

The person behind the camera snapped their fingers and pointed at their watch indicating that the time's ticking, catching his attention.

"Alright then, why don't you come and sit your ass next to me Love," Namjoon smirked making the person panic, because, not only did he use a bad word, but also called the person love infront of millions of viewers.

The person sighed to themself and said "I've got no other choice now, do I Joon?".

Walking towards Namjoon, the said person seated themself next to him as asked to.

"ARMY, as you all know, this lady sitting right next to me is the love of my life and her name is Shin Mirae. I hope you'll all shower her with love just like how you do it to me," he smiled showing off his dimples making Mirae pinch his cheeks.

"This adorable dimple boy! I swear you'll be the end of me, why are you so cute?" Mirae asked pecking his dimple making the latter smirk.

"I'm not your mirror baby,"

This widened her eyes, making her blush.

"Hey, stob it!"

"Aah Jin hyung is not gonna be happy..."

"We'll see about that, Joonie..."

Namjoon wanted to share his story so badly but he was embarrassed. What if people viewed him as a creep? What if—

"What are you overthinking about right now? You asked me to come watch you cause you wanted to say something right? Go ahead, I'm all ears," she smiled at him making him smile back.

Taking a deep breath, he decided to speak.

"I'm guessing you're feeling like you're third wheeling us when you're not, I'm sorry ARMY," he rubbed his sweaty hands on his pants making Mirae furrow her eyebrows.

"Is it that serious? Take your time dimples, don't force yourself to speak something you're not ready to speak about," Mirae rubbed his back reassuringly making him smile.

"Do you guys know something? I've liked Mirae for three years now,"

"Oh yea— wait how three!? It's two."

"I've secretly admired you from afar for a whole year. Band PD-nim noticed and he made you work here so that I can court you, but I think everything happens for a reason. If it wasn't for you, many innocent ones would've just," Namjoon sighed acknowledging his disappointment.

"Y-You've liked me b-before? Oh that's, romantic," Mirae looked everywhere except him, avoiding his dragon eyes, which stared back at her with a glint of mischief in them.

"I remember spilling coffee on the first day of your work in here, I didn't expect you then. Bang PD-nim is unpredictable..."

"You've any experiences?"

"I worked in my laptop when I went there, I hated your boss though..."

"We're on the same page about him, gosh, thinking about my past makes me feel old, it's been a long time..." Mirae spoke, taking out her phone to read the comments.

"We're young forever, my future!" Namjoon shouted enthusiastically making Mirae coo at his cuteness.

"Wow! Five million people are watching us live..." Namjoon giggled at the number.

"This comment right here, Oh man, I need bleach for my eyes..." Rubbing her eyes continuously, she kept away the phone since she was traumatized by a small sentence.

"What made you—"

"Uhh it's better you don't see that. Haha..." With a nervous chuckle, she tried to hide her phone but she was pushed down on the ground with Namjoon hovering over her frame.

They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever, but got startled on hearing a knock on their door, which made them realise their situation.

Clearing his throat, he spoke up.

"My parents and my suster wants to meet you,"

"Why suster?" She asked holding in her laughter.

"Cause she's sus. Haha." Namjoon chuckled awkwardly.

"By the way, what was that comment?"

"Oh nothing, they just wanted us to kiss- I mean kick each other haha. We don't allow violence right?" She avoided eye contact with him while he smirked.

"Alright then, let's give them what they want..."


She was interrupted by a pull on her face making her lips land on his. He kissed her lovingly while she tried to process the moment, later kissing him back.

He pulled away and looked at her.

"I love you, you're my future."

"I love you too Joonie."


And, we officially completed this book UwU 🥺

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