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"Excuse me, are you the parent of Ahn Miso?" Yoongi asked the elder from the fifth house they visited. This was the second day.

And just like that, they found out that many of the so-called 'Sasaengs' weren't actually sasaengs. They were framed.

Something they had in common was the university they attended. Although they opted for different courses, they still had somehow managed to create a friendship with Kang Sora.

Kang Sora. The illegitimate daughter of the PM. The Sasaeng everyone wanted to lay their hands on but never got the chance to.

Initially, she stalked many idols inorder to make money so that she can escape Korea and live somewhere else. But soon she started enjoying what she did and took it as a hobby.

Many victimized sasaengs didn't even stan the idol in the first place but Kang Sora made them act as a fan so that she can secretly carry out her work and put blame on someone else incase she gets caught.

Overall. She's a coward.

She ruined lives of many.

And many of them were victims of her cowardice.

Shin Mirae being one of them.


"Jungkook-ah, are we at the right place?" Hoseok asked looking at the leader with a look of concern.

"Yes Hobi hyung. Namjoon hyung, don't worry. She'll be alright..." Jungkook reassured Namjoon who was having trouble breathing.

"What are we waiting for guys!? Let's just go..." Namjoon jumped out of the car followed by Jungkook and Hoseok. The bodyguards surrounded them silently, looking around the suspicious place.

"A creepy place in a city like this. When did the construction of this building even start? It looks like it's about to fall off..." Jungkook spoke curiously earning a silent chuckle from Hoseok.

They entered the building and followed the signal. It kept leading forward to a room. Once they opened the room, they were greeted by nothing but cleaning supplies.

A janitor's closet?

How can she even be hid here? That's kind of weird.

Hoseok looked around the room and sighed heavily.

"What can we even find here? The location of the chip led us here. Are you sure this is the right place?"

"Wait, hyungs. I think I'm onto something. You see that huge bucket? Lift it up." Jungkook walked towards the heavy bucket and lifted it up slowly and saw a door.

A door to the floor underneath. To the basement perhaps.

Namjoon tried pulling the door open but failed to do so. One of the three bodyguards behind them slowly took out a minus screwdriver from his pocket and handed it to Namjoon.

"Hyung, why do you have that with you?" Jungkook asked the guard who started rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"My daughter plays with my tools and often hides them. So, I just checked my pocket incase she hid any. Looks like we're lucky..." He chuckled awkwardly making Namjoon nod.

Namjoon wasted no time and opened the door. Each of them got down one by one and climbed down the stairs.

They were led to the basement which looked abandoned at first glance but if you look carefully, can see a few empty alcohol bottles and cans around.


They heard the sound of something being hit which was enough for Namjoon to run towards the source of the sound.

His line of sight was greeted by an anonymous lady with a rod in her hand and a very familiar looking back, tied to a chair.

The lady with the rod kept insisting that Namjoon belonged to him and Namjoon hearing this was pissed. He didn't belong to her. He only belongs to Shin Mirae.

"He. Belongs. To. Me."

"No I don't..." He couldn't take it anymore and walked towards the scene where the abuser stood still as a stick while the victim almost lost her consciousness because of the hits she got.

"Mirae!" He ran towards her and sat infront of her tapping her cheeks continuosly while she whimpered under his touch.

Meanwhile, the lady was handcuffed by the police who arrived at the scene right after they entered the basement.

Namjoon looked at the lady with a smirk. "You thought we won't come prepared? Tough luck bitch. Now, when you get interrogated do state the truth. If you don't, either way you're being locked up behind cells. What have you got to lose? Besides, we have proof so you better confess..." Namjoon winked at the lady who did nothing but blush in reply.

'What a psycho...' He thought.

"Now please, we need to take her to the hospital. She's bleeding..." Hoseok dialled the hospital while Jungkook helped Namjoon in untying his love.


Double update. 👀🤓✊

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