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"Hyungggg, why are you so shy? Why don't you approach her?" Jimin whined to which Namjoon glared in return.

"Why are you so desperate for me to confess?"

"I shipped you and Jin hyung for so long. Looks like my ship isn't sailing. So I just want you to be happy," The younger spoke with a genuine smile coloured on his plump lips.

Namjoon groaned in response, thinking of a way to approach the girl who caught his line of sight since day one.

'Bang PD-nim brought her here. Does he have a plan?'

Shaking his head at his thoughts he decided to have his caffeine intake for the day. But thinking of the girl behind the counters, he shyed away and pushed Hoseok to buy his drink.

'How will I approach her? Will she even return my feelings? Let's worry about that later. First focus on how to approach her and confess!'

He sighed to himself and ran to the practice room along with the oldest member who was yawning due to fatigue.

'He needs rest. He looks so tired.'


Hoseok smiled at the leader's so called crush on maintaining a one second eye contact. He decided to start up a conversation and get to know the latter.

'She's indeed beautiful. Can't blame Namjoon. Even I'm feeling nervous to open my mouth...'

"Hey, aren't you new here? What's your name?" Hoseok asked, flashing one of his brightest smiles. The Sun can never.

"Yes Sir, My Name's Shin Mirae..." She returned a smile without even trying.
Well, Hoseok's smiles are contagious.

"Oh don't call me sir. Call me Hobi. By the way, how do you like it here?"

"Well Si- I mean Hobi, this place is wonderful. I don't have to worry about anyon- anything. I'm loving this job. Thanks for asking!" The word anyone almost slipped out of her mouth but she was quick enough to watch it.

"Did you meet the other members of our band? I bet they'll love you!" Hoseok spoke with a knowing smile on his face imagining their leader's reaction.

"I think a few of the members actually visited the café, but I didn't converse with them much. Speaking of, sorry Si- Hobi, what's your order?" She spoke with reddened cheeks on realisation of her mistake.

Hoseok chuckled seeing her face and replied "Well, we'll have the first thing you think of when you enter a café. What's the first thing you think of Mirae?"


"Exactly! Six coffees and a Tea please!" Hoseok nodded once the drinks were kept on a tray Infront of him.

"Why don't you come with me to the practice room? Let's meet the others shall we?" Putting forward his suggestion, he raised his eyebrows expectant of her reply.

"W-Well, I'm just a staff member here. I'm not of m-much importance you see-"

"Hey don't say that! We met, so now we're friends. Let's go!" He insisted to which she sighed and picked up the tray of beverages, following the man towards their practice room.

On opening the door, they were greeted with loud music blaring from their speakers.

'They call me Baepsae!'

Uhhh okay?

"Hey guys, Meet Shin Mirae. Mirae, these are the rest of the members..." Hoseok announced, voice louder than the speaker, gaining attention from the others.

Everyone turned their faces and stared at her, scrutinizing her from top to bottom. She tried her best to ignore the nervousness and started to walk towards them to hand out their orders.

"Hi Mirae! I'm the youngest member. Kim Seokjin," spoke the one who had a face with the perfect proportions.

'Damn! He's so handsome'

"What do you mean youngest member? I'm the youngest one. Hello, I'm Jeon Jungkook, the maknae of the group..." a cute bunny smile made way to his flawless face.

'Aww, he's so cute. I wanna boop his nose'

"You could boop my nose if you want,"


'He heard my thoughts-'

"Guys, what are you? Tom and Jerry? Why do you always fight? I'm sorry for their behaviour Mirae. By the way, I'm Kim Taehyung!" He flashed an adorable boxy smile to which she couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm Park Jimin. Call me Jimin..." spoke the member giving out an adorable eye smile which melted Mirae's heart.

"Nice to meet y'all. I'm actually here to give out your drinks. Who's the one who drinks Tea?" Lifting the cup of tea, she looks around.

"Oh that's for me. I hate coffee..." Taking the cup from her hand, Taehyung thanked her.

The rest were coffees. So she distributed each but was left with remaining two cups.

"Oh Mirae, there are two more members who are currently at their studio. Please give those to them,"

Hoseok gave her the directions and she approached the said studio to hand over the prepared coffees.

She knocked the door which was opened by a male figure, who's features mirrored that of a cat's. He was very pale.

On seeing her, the male looked back into the studio and then back at her with a slight smirk.

"I know you. Come in,"

She entered the room and handed the coffee to him.

"I'm Min Yoongi, and the one that's sitting over there with headphones on his ear is Kim Namjoon. It's a pleasure to meet you uh-"

"Shin Mirae,"

"Right, Mirae-ssi, go ahead. Give him the coffee,"

She nodded with a smile and walked over to the headphones boy and tapped on his shoulder.

On turning around, he forgot his ability to speak and stared at the girl smiling at him, waiting for him to take what's in her hand.


Looks like someone's making new friends despite her fears

I swear to god I feel like as time goes on, each chapter keeps getting more boring.
I'm so sorry if you're not enjoying this.
Do tell me your thoughts on this chapter.
Like I said, I'm a rookie.
This is my second book, and my first one's Hella cringe, not completed yet but still *war flashbacks*
But I'll try my best!
I love y'all 🥺💜
Stay safe

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