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"Let it all out..."

After crying for what seemed like forever to Mirae, she broke away from the hug and avoided looking at Namjoon.

"You're in a safe place now. I'll protect you. You deserve all the love in the world..."

Mirae slightly smiled at his words and looked at him who looked back at her with ever so loving eyes making her blush.

"Oh now why are you blushing? Hmm?" Namjoon teasingly asked her to see her reaction while she covered her face in embarrassment.

"Why are you doing this to me Mirae?" His expression turned serious all of a sudden.


"You know that I love you right? Why are you reacting to me then?" The sudden question caught her off-guard.

"Because, I-I-"

"You what?"

"I love you..."

Namjoon froze. He definitely didn't see that coming.

On seeing his reaction, Mirae slightly smiled pecking his dimple. She was about to peck him again but he caught her face between his hands and kissed her passionately.

Their lips moved in perfect sync as if they were moulded for each other.

He pulled away and stared at her with a slight amusement in his eyes.

"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction," Namjoon winked making Mirae blink.

"Don't remind me of physics. What?"

"You kissed me, I kissed you..." Namjoon told as if he was making a point.

"But I kissed you on the cheek..." Mirae clarified.

"Is this your way of asking me to kiss you on the cheek?" Namjoon bit his lips and raised his eyebrows.

"I- Namjoon-"

He interrupted her with a peck on her nose and smiled at her showing off his dimples.

"Mirae, will you be my girlfriend?"

Her eyes softened while looking at him. She nodded a yes and hugged the latter while he kissed her head affectionately.


"So, Namjoon with blood-stained clothes is trending? I can't with the internet..." Yoongi spoke tiredly as he sipped on his ice tea.

"Now, how do we put an end to this?" Jungkook asked the others while Seokjin entered the room.

"I think it's better we meet up with the PM as soon as possible. That's the only way..."
Seokjin spoke handing over the newly bought pack of banana milk to Jungkook who looked back at him with love in his eyes.

"Hyung, you're the best!" Seokjin ruffled the younger's hair while others stared at the JinKook interaction.

"What the heck guys?! Inform Namjoon. He has been at the hospital for a while. I hope she remembers us..."

"When we visited, she didn't. Now she probably will..." Jimin spoke smiling with his eyes.


"How did it go? Did she kidnap Mirae and threaten her? They probably found out now and are searching for her. This might avoid the interaction dad's asking for..."

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