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'Kim Namjoon. You're just from a small company. You think you can save yourself and the others from my hands. No. I practically own you...' The female voice spoke from Namjoon's old phone which was broken and had to be fixed just for skimming through the messages.

The next voice recording played 'Please, you guys are gonna do nothing. You can't do anything. The entertainment industry itself gives no flying fucks about y'all...'

Well, these were a few of the recordings Namjoon received from those anonymous calls, which were later found that those were done by Kang Sora herself.

The others received even worse. They were threatened that she won't hesitate to post their pics which were apparently nudes taken without consent.

She's definitely messed up in the head.

All the evidences pointed towards Kang Sora. It was because of her, an innocent person, Hyuna took her life. This was a tragic yet guilty memory for all the fandoms. They regret not believing her.

But they're doing the same thing towards Mirae without knowing.

Shin Mirae isn't Kang Sora.

Namjoon jumped at the sound of his ringtone. Swiping the accept button, he spoke calmly 'Yes Tae?'

Taehyung started explaining about his sister's and Mirae's friendship, how she was framed and how she ghosted everyone because of the death threats she had to receive.

Namjoon couldn't contain his gasp. He couldn't imagine what she had to go through. He admired her for long, but he never knew what she went through.

He admired how she politely greeted the customers.

He admired how she smiled when any customer cracked a joke.

He admired how the corner of her eyes crinkled once she flashed out a genuine smile.

He admired her personality.

He admired how beautiful she looked barefaced.

He admired her honey like voice.

He admired her everything.

His eyes started brimming in tears at the revelation, although he had a clue that she went through a lot.

How could a person she considered her bestfriend betray her just like that?

Is Kang Sora a human? Probably not.

"Bang PD-nim," Namjoon talked about everything he heard to his father like boss who listened attentively, a frown finding it's way on his face.

"We need to contact the PM. Let's book an appointment. I think we've got enough proofs on Sora. But still—" heaving out a sigh Bang Si Hyuk looked over at the others "—we need to find out if Sora tried to frame other people as well. What should we do?"

"We need Shin Mirae and anyone related to her. They might be able to spit something out since they knew Sora personally atleast. Sora might've hid well, but not that well. There might be someone who noticed something suspicious about her behaviour. So, call Shin Mirae. Now!" Jackson shouted in fury making Namjoon gulp.

'What's up with this man?'

Bang PD gave Namjoon his phone to which Namjoon looked at him confusedly. He had his own phone so why?

Namjoon shrugged it off and started dialling the number he memorized to see the recommendation pop up. Future daughter-in-law?

Flushing a deep shade of red, he waited for the other side to pick up.


The voice he missed. The voice he longed to hear.

"H-Hello, it's me Namjoon. You're needed in the company ASAP. Please come fast..."

"Uhh oh o-okay. Can I bring someone with me? Since I'm not you know...safe?" She asked dubiously.

'Who's that someone?' was the first thought that came into his head.

"It's pretty important. May I know who that is? If it's someone you're close with and can trust blindly, go ahead..." He tried his maximum to cover the jealousy dripping from his voice.

"It's my bestfriend Joonie. I'll be there soon. Bye..." she hung up. But hearing her call him 'Joonie' made his heart do a somersault. He misses her. He wants to show that he loves her. But she's questioning her worthy of love when she deserves absolutely all of it.

He felt an intense gaze upon him. Looking behind him, he saw Bang PD-nim looking at him with a knowing smile earning a glare from Namjoon.

In which company can you glare at your boss?

"I don't know why you made me talk to her. Especially using your phone but anyway, she'll be coming here soon with her bestfriend..." Namjoon spoke calmly leaving the scene, to avoid the teasing looks directed towards him from the idols and the bosses (Bang PD-nim only).


Taehyung parked his car in the company's parking lot. Getting out of the car, he pulled out both his sisters to go to their boss.

The trio walked towards the entrance being greeted by everyone on the way. Mirae was especially tensed. Since the revelation of the photos and the incident which took place two years ago, people knew how she looked and she couldn't go out in public places without being glared at.

Walking towards the conference room, Taehyung opened the door and entered followed by Taehee and then Mirae.

Mirae avoided eye contact with everyone in the room making Lee Soo Man look at her suspiciosly.

"She's definitely guilty. Look at her avoiding eye contact with each one of us..."

And that suspicion wasn't wrong either was it? If she seeked help before, her friend Hyuna would've been saved.

But she was quiet.


It's a double update hehe :))

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