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"So, you ready?"


"Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook. Please go to Mirae's location along with a few of our body guards,"

"Yes Yoongi hyung..." Bowing, they said their farewells and parted away to do their assigned tasks.

"So Yoongi, whose house are we heading to first?" Seokjin asked the younger curiously.

"Who else? The most famous case. Hyuna."


"Namjoon, don't panic. She's fine..." Hoseok rubbed the leader's shoulder reassuringly.

"Hobi, I don't believe in God. But I swear to God if I see her hurt, I-I-" stuttering, he looked around.

"You what hyung?" Jungkook looked at him worriedly.

"I'll pinch your nipples the next time you don't wake up..." Namjoon explained to which the younger covered his chest instinctively.

"Hyung~" Jungkook whined.

"Namjoon-nim, the location is currently being shown as Ilsan..." The bodyguard with the device informed the leader.

"Wait, hyung. How do you track her location?"

"Remember the last time you got sick because of those cookies?  The staff installed a chip in her watch to know what she's upto despite me and Bang PD-nim trusting her. But I'm glad they installed it..." Namjoon explained earning a nod from the younger.

"Guys, why are we trending on that bird app?" Hoseok asked scrolling through his phone.

"And why are you scrolling through twitter at a time like this?" Jungkook spoke earning a playful glare from Hoseok.

"The PM wants to meet us? Why? Oh wait—" scrolling furthermore he realised the reason. "—he wants to meet us after listening to the UN speech. I think this is the perfect timing considering the fact that others are in search of information from the 'accused to be sasaengs' families..."

"I think the world wants the best for itself but some are pushing it away from happening which is why many of us are still alive..." Namjoon spoke rubbing his chin to which Hoseok, Jungkook and the few bodyguards blinked.

"I'm going to pretend I understood that. But anyway, let's close this and focus. Off to Ilsan. Hurry up ahjussiiiii~"


Jumping into the car, he looked at his watch frowning.

"Jin hyung, it's 6:30 PM. Is it right to visit their houses now?" Jimin whined to which Yoongi sighed.

"Jimin, the sooner the better. Everything is for the best..."


"Appa, why do you want to meet up with them? Why? You have no reason to. Don't meet up with them..." Blabbering into her phone nervously, she bit her nails.

"Why are you getting so worked up? I want to meet them and it's my choice. Also, you've no right to interfere in my personal matters. Even if the world considers you as my illegitimate daughter, I never had one and it was your mother who spread the false news like wildfire. You're not my blood. Stay in your lane..." The man exclaimed in rage.

"Do something wrong and then I know how to disown you infront of the world's eye. Be careful with your actions and pretend like I don't exist. I'm hanging up..."

Once the phone hung up, she pulled out her hair due to frustration.


'Things aren't going the way I want to...'

"So I guess this is the perfect time to bring her out..."

Scrolling through my contacts, I search for her.

Kim Yeji.

"Hey Yeji, it's me Sora. Have you heard about Namjoon's dating rumours? Yes. I'll send you her location. She'll almost be there by 5:30. Yes, take care..."

She hung up the call smirking to herself.

"I'm killing two birds with one stone..." She made a gun with her fingers and blew on it.

"Mirae will get hurt and BTS will be too busy too meet up with my father. Yes!"

Little did she know what was waiting for her.


Yoongi knocked on the door twice waiting for a response.

"What if they went to bed? What if—"

"Shut up Jungkook. It's only 6:45..."

The door was opened to be greeted by a man who was in his sixties.

"Hello sir," the four of them bowed.

"We're members of the idol group BTS and we wanted to ask you a few things about your daughter, if you don't mind that is..." Seokjin spoke politely earning a small smile from the man.

"I don't mind sons. Get in. The bodyguards can get in too..."

Two of the bodyguards stood outside while two went with them to the flat while the members sat down with the man after he asked them to.

"So, what do you want to know about Hyuna?"

"From where it started perhaps..." Taehyung who was silent the whole time spoke up with a serious tone.

"My daughter always used to be a huge fan of Astro. Especially the member Moonbin. She saved tons of money to go to their fanmeet. Her mother passed away so I always wanted her to be happy. So I supported her love towards them. But something went wrong when one of her friends gave her a free ticket to their fanmeet. That's where everything started..." Wiping away the tear threatening to spill his eyes, he continued.

"That ticket is the reason why she's gone. That ticket booked under the name of Kang Sora..."


At this point, everything is pretty obvious.

I had my English exam today and this might be the first time I'll be scoring less than 70 out of 80 just because of multiple choice questions. Why do they take MCQ tests out of 40 when it's very easy to lose marks??!! I lost 9 marks just like that. And the options are tricky as hell.

I hate this.

Anyway, thank you for staying till here.
Stay safe and drink water.❤️

Btw, how's covid in ur places?

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