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"Oh," the PM hummed in disbelief at what he just heard.

"This information you just shared, along with the proofs is enough..." He voiced out to which the members looked at him in curiosity.

"What do you mean sir?" Jimin asked looking at each member's reaction, once the PM spoke.

"Kang Sora isn't my daughter..."

The room was filled with unbelievable gasps.

"She was my friend's daughter. But her mother spread rumours inorder to protect her daughter under wealth. And everyone believed that. But now, if we put out the truth, everyone will believe it. Along with this. She deserves it. After what she has done to many innocent lives. I deserve it because I failed to protect those lives..." He spoke, swallowing the huge lump in his throat.

"I'm proud of you boys..." He stood up from his seat making others stand up as well. He walked towards each members, patting them on the back, acknowledging their victory.

"I'm glad. Thank you for doing this..."


The next day, the police began searching for the criminal. Based on all the evidences collected, there's no one else other than Kang Sora responsible for this.

They searched everywhere.

She was nowhere to be found.

Her apartment was empty and none of the latest CCTV footages included her, which means she's hiding somewhere but she has never left.

So, they started searching in hotel rooms.
All hotels across Korea. But, nowhere.

No traces to be found.

Where did she run off to?


"How are you feeling my future?" Namjoon asked pushing around the wheelchair to his studio, while Mirae was unaware on what's going on.

"Wake up. You're gonna be late..." He whispered in her ears making her shiver.

Once she woke up, she looked around.





She was stopped by a small peck on her lips.

"Stop blabbering. You're alright. You got discharged and you're the one who kept going on and on about riding a wheelchair..." Namjoon smirked making Mirae turn into fifty different shades of red.

"Now-" he walked into the studio, pushing the wheelchair in and then closing the door behind him, "-did you miss me love?"

He looked at her lovingly earning a smile from the latter.

"You've no idea..."

"I do..."

"No way..."

"Of course I do..." Namjoon scoffed leaning over and placing a long kiss on her temple.

"I missed you more..." He held her by her chin and looked in her eyes, embracing the latter.

"I'll never regret admiring you from afar..." Namjoon whispered.

"You what?"

"That's a story that will be left for later..." Chuckling, he winked at the latter.


"Sir, we've got something to report..." The walkie talkie buzzed.

"We've found a female dead body at Han river and it looks like it hasn't been long..."

And that's when they realized, things never go as planned. Future decides itself.

"I'm coming. Please stay put..."


"Oh my god! I can't believe that we've been blaming an innocent person the whole time. Not only we came to find out the actual Kang Sora isn't his daughter a few days back, but also the fact that she was a mufuckin Sasaeng!?" A group of girls spoke among themselves, sharing their regret over believing in rumours without researching deep into them.

"We should always stay low-key and dig for info. Look what we've done. Poor Hyuna. Mirae too. I'm so glad Mirae stood strong despite us bashing on her. I feel so guilty and embarrassed..." The girl said, looking down at her feet.

"Now, remember Mirae kissing Joon? What's up with that?" One of the girls spoke up.

"It's their personal life. Let's not meddle. Let Joon reveal it by himself. If it's true, I can't wait to see tiny Joonies around..."

"Oh my god! Why'd you say that? Now I'm gonna cry because you made me go all soft..." The girl replied wiping off her fake tears.



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