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"What are you doing here? You know that you're not welcome here..." The leader squinted his eyes and glared at the uninvited guest in their practice room.

The lady released a dark chuckle
"You think blacklisting me can stop me from seeing the people I own?"

The oldest member scoffed at the response "Shut the fuck up Sora! You don't fucking own us and you are not welcome here..."

"It's not like you guys have a choice. Within a snap of my fingers, any of you could end up in jail. Your influence is nothing compared to mine," The lady bragged blowing on her newly made nails.

"Right. Does your father know what you're upto? What you were upto? If he does, you won't be standing here Infront of us. Instead he'll send you to a Mental hospital. Girl, you're entirely messed up. Why do you frame innocent people? You're just wasting your life. Such a Bitch..." The leader calmly spoke.

Sora tensed up a little at the mention of her father, which went unnoticed by the rest due to her speedy reply which kept the boys silent.

"Puh-leeze! It's not like my dad's gonna believe all of those shits you'll feed him. Plus what proof do you have? I destroyed all of those remember? You guys stand no chance..."

"Kang fucking Sora, we can find proofs once we dig. But we're just giving you your chance to welcome change. This is your last chance. And if you're not ready to welcome change, well your loss. You're gonna end up behind the bars..." Yoongi who always kept silent each time she visited spoke for the first time leaving her shocked.

"Whatever. Let's see about that" She smirked and sashayed away leaving the room, heels clinking on the tiles.

"Hyungs, what should we do about that bitch? She doesn't even bother me but I'm annoyed at the fact she's wasting our precious time..."

"Oh please. She can't fucking do anything..." Seokjin rolled his eyes looking at the youngest member.

"Hyung, how about we just report this to her father?" Taehyung asked the leader looking at him expectantly.

"You think we can go to the PM and be like 'Sir, you're illegitimate daughter is upto no good' nah I don't think so..." Namjoon replied shaking his head.

"She's not worth our time, let's focus on the upcoming comeback. How's DNA going Hobi?"

"Well, the choreo is Amazing!!! But I think we'll have to practice a lot to be in sync—"

"I hope it's not a fast choreo like dope. I lost my shit that time. I'm so sick of this fake love Bang PD-nim," Seokjin sighed to himself earning a playful glare from the dance leader.

"Hyung, that sounded so nice. Let's name that song fake love. Maybe with a mature concept whatcha say?" The youngest exclaimed.

"And it'll be our title track of our next album and the next to next album will have a title track named Real love?" Hoseok looked over at the leader who rolled his eyes, chuckling and shaking his head.

"Focus on the present comeback you dummies. Now Hobi, how does the choreo go?"

"Oh it goes like. One Two Three Four—"

Hoseok showed the choreography to which the others gasped speechlessly.


Sora walked towards the exit of the company building and opened the door to be greeted by the chilly breeze.

On heaving out a sigh in satisfaction, she turned around to look at the huge building. On seeing something familiar, she squints her eyes, looking through the glass windows.

'Is that Mirae? What the heck is she doing here?'

Staring at the so called person devilishly, she thought, smirking to herself.

'One of my so-called 'friends' is here. Huh. Living peacefully working in a prestigious company I see. Well let me shatter everything by making your life living hell even more than it was before. Watch it Mirae,'
She walked away getting into her BMW, with not-so-good intentions in her head.


Laughing to herself, she grinned heavily at her failure at the staring contest conducted behind the counters.

Woobin began howling crazily at his victory while Saeron was shaking her head at the said man's behaviour.

"Noona, what did I tell you about competing with me on staring contests. I never lose..." He bragged showing his biceps, which cracked up the two ladies even more.

"Saeron, your jokes aren't funny enough to distract me. I'm a professional at this,"

"Well, I'm the best at staring contests..." an unexpected voice spoke startling them three.

"Oh hi Seokjin hyung,"

The latter nodded and said "I'm the best at jokes too..." to which they looked at him eagerly to hear one.

"How do you say don't fart in English?"

They stared at themselves thinking deeply later to give up.

"It's Dontkatsu,"

On hearing that, the three people behind the counter fell on their butts laughing earning a windshield wiper laughter from Seokjin which made them laugh even more.

"I don't get it. How do you guys find it funny?" Taehyung came out of nowhere, startling them.

He asked "How do you find Dontkatsu(pork cutlet) funny?"

"Do I seriously have to explain Tae? Don't fart in English is Dontkatsu which can be interpreted as Don't gas. Do you get it now?"

"Yes. But I don't find it funny..."

"That's a you problem. Deal with it..." Seokjin exclaimed earning a pout from Taehyung which could melt everyone's heart.


Tell me a joke if you can think of any👀

Guys, I wrote this chapter a while back but I lost my drafts which made me so sad. Because what I wrote before was even better than this current one.
I'm so sorry you couldn't read it.

Thanks for reading ❤️

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