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On entering the office, Mirae was greeted by the same man who called her before offering her the job.

"Shin Mirae, Welcome to the Bighit Family..."

Mirae smiled politely at the man to which he grinned cheekily.


"When are you willing to join? Today or tomorrow?" Mr.Bang asked to which she softly replied "I can join right away sir..."

"No no no, don't call me sir. Call me Bang PD-nim. Also, go ahead dear. Miss Liya will show you the way..."

Mirae bowed deeply and left with Liya who greeted her outside the office once she left.

"So, since you'll be working here. Let's all be great friends alright?" Liya forwarded and Mirae just nodded slightly with a fake smile as a response.

"So, this is the café here," her heels clinked on the granite tiles as she walked towards the huge stall within the building.

"And you'll be working here from morning 6AM to evening 10PM. Don't worry, you'll get breaks in between. Also, be at your best behaviour. Don't want people going about having uncultured staff and all. I hope you get what I mean?"

Mirae replied "I won't disappoint anyone. I'll work my hardest..."

"Good. Now get going. Your coworkers will hand you your uniform..." Liya spoke formally and left sassily which Mirae found rather amusing.

Heaving a sigh, she got into the stall and was greeted by one of her co-workers.

"So you're the Shin Mirae Bang PD-nim was talking about. It's a great pleasure to be working with you. I'm Lee Woobin and this is Kim Saeron..."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both too. I hope we get along well..." Mirae replied with a genuine smile for once.

'I should definitely make friends. Let's try to be genuine for once'

'So, I'll be working at a different environment from today. Better be at my best behaviour'

Taking a deep breath, Mirae spoke

"Why don't we introduce ourselves properly hmm? My name's Shin Mirae and before joining here I was working at Haneul café..."

"Oh you were working at Haneul café!? That place is one of the best cafés in Gangnam. I bet you prepare yummy delicacies..." Saeron spoke excitedly which caused a smile to form on Mirae's face.

"Yes. Also, you look so young Saeron-ssi..."

"That's because I am one of the youngest staff in here. I'm 20 years old. What about you eonnie?"

"Oh I'm 23. And you Woobin-ssi?"

"I should call you Noona. I'm 22..." Woobin spoke with a sigh.

"Yay! You can treat me like your older sister. I am approachable I guess?"
Mirae spoke hesitantly.

What if she gets attached?


"Joon-ah, guess who joined the company café?" Seokjin teased the younger with an evil grin.

"Hyunggg.... please stop teasing me. It's pretty obvious that I like her and I'm aware of it. So why do you have to tease me?" The leader huffed out in frustration.

"It's a cute and rare sight to see Namjoon hyung flustered, so we should make use of every chance we get to see it shouldn't we?" The youngest replied in-between sips of his banana milk.

They heard a commotion coming from the corner of the room. It was none other than Jimin and Taehyung.

"Yah! You don't even have a chewing gum in your mouth but why are you chewing on something invisible?" Jimin asked Taehyung to which he scoffed in reply.

"I keep telling you the same thing. It became a habit and I can do nothing about it..."

"Exactly. But we can stop habits once you try. Are you even trying? Because of you Jungkookie picked up the same habit..."

Taehyung turned his face to look at Jungkook to see him chewing on a straw.

"Hey, he didn't. He's chewing on a straw. I chew on nothing. There's a difference you pabo!" Taehyung argued.

"Jungkookie's chewing on the straw because of the invisible chewing gum habits that you passed onto him..."

"When did I ask to be part of this argument? Hyung's, count me out..." Jungkook left the room frustrated at the 95 liners' behaviour.

"It's because of you Jungkookie left..." Jimin argued.

"No, it's because of you..."

"No, you!"


"I said you!"

"No it's yo-"

"Both of you stop! Jungkook left because he didn't want to be part of your Dumpling incident Part two: the invisible chewing gum! Now shut up and do something productive rather than arguing..." the oldest scolded the other two members, who in reply blushed a deep shade of red and parted their ways due to awkwardness.

Meanwhile Hoseok and Yoongi were in the studio immersed in producing sick beats. After all, they're a few of the best producers in the industry.


Namjoon was so tired that he almost fell asleep in-between composing the lyrics for Jin's song.

He decided to get coffee completely forgetting about the presence of the person he secretly admired, who's standing behind the counter.

Namjoon yawned heavily and rubbed his eyes.

'I should probably get a little bit sleep I guess. But I need to complete Jin hyung's song. Yes, coffee it is...'

He walked to the café, and ordered an Americano. Tapping on the countertop, he whistled waiting for his drink.

"Here you go sir," a sweet voice spoke.

He took the drink from her hands and said "thank you." and that's when he made eye contact with the lady and spilled the hot coffee on the floor.


I have nothing to say right now so

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