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The huge crowd of different fandoms waving their respective light sticks welcomed each artist with adoration and passion.

And it was BTS' turn to perform, on standing on the stage was welcomed by loud cheers which energised the boys even more.

After their performance, they headed backstage to their personal waiting room to change into a different clothing.

Jungkook was resting his head on Seokjin's shoulder who was getting his makeup done. Seeing the younger's fatigue which appeared out of nowhere, worried the rest but they chose to keep quiet about it for a while.

'He was so fine a few minutes ago, but he fell asleep all of a sudden?' The leader thought shaking his head.

"Jin hyung, What made him so tired? He was completely alright five minutes ago..." Namjoon asked checking the younger's temperature.

"Did he eat anything fishy?" The oldest member asked concerned.

"Hyung, we didn't have any seafood as snacks. So he probably didn't eat anything," Jimin spoke without thinking which made him feel stupid once he realised what was going on. "I only remember him drinking that kombucha tea..."

'Kombucha tea can lead to fatigue? What a discovery!'

"If it was Kombucha tea then we'd all be sleeping like him by now. What did he eat?" Yoongi put forward to which the others nodded.

"Kookie ate a.....Cookie?" Taehyung said questionably to himself rubbing his chin in deep thought.

"Hey! That's cannibalism!" Jimin joked chuckling along with Taehyung to later come back to their senses, being aware of the current situation.

"Why would a cookie be res-" Seokjin was interrupted by one of the female staffs who has been eavesdropping on their conversation, waiting for the right time to butt in.

"Isn't Mirae the one who prepared those cookies? And those cookies were freshly made from the company itself with the help of others. I trust Woobin and Saeron since they've been a part of the company for a few. But Mirae-"

"What about Mirae huh? Why are you accusing someone without any proofs?" Namjoon snapped earning an impressed look from his hyungs.

"I never accused her. I was just pointing out a possibility you know. Overall, her entire being screams suspicious..." the staff spoke calmly continuing to apply makeup on Hoseok.

"And if you don't believe me, you can send those cookies to be tested..." she spoke as if she was sure about Mirae drugging the cookies.

"How are you so sure about this?" Hoseok asked raising his eyebrows.

"That's because I don't trust her. And I know who she is..." Smirking to herself, she internally partied at how the plan was moving smoothly.


"Soooo did you drug their drinks like I told you to?"

"Sorry Mam. We tried. But we got a chance to mix those powdered drugs in the cookie batter," The assigned person spoke to which the lady grinned evilly at herself.

On hanging up the call, she deleted all the camera footage of the person drugging the batter, which she received once she threw a few bills of cash towards them.

'Sorry Not Sorry. I don't want you anywhere near my boys'


Jungkook was sent to their dorms early along with Seokjin and Taehyung.

The awards show wasn't done yet, so they had to make up an excuse of having a really busy schedule to escape the place. Bang PD got them covered.

Later, the rest of the members left the show along with majority of their staffs which included Mirae. A few of the make-up artists were shooting her daggers which she avoided since she was used to it.

'Why are they looking at me like that?'

She fell asleep throughout the whole ride and no one bothered to wake her up once they reached their destination.

Namjoon being the sweetheart he is, decided to wake her but ended up staring at her for a few minutes.

'She would never do a thing like that to us...'

He tapped her on the shoulder twice, which woke her up from her deep slumber.

"We've reached. You should pack up and go home. Do you want me to drop you?" Namjoon asked with a sweet smile which made her return the smile, shaking her head.

"Namjoon, I thought you couldn't drive..." She asked with a teasing smile to which he rubbed him neck in response, chuckling awkwardly.

"I forgot about that. So will you go by yourself? At this time?" Glancing at the darkening skies, he dubiously questioned.

"I'm fine. Take care of Kookie. Thank you for waking me up..." without thinking, she planted a small kiss on his dimple which left the two of them shocked.

She looked away from his face, coughing continuosly to clear the awkward atmosphere caused by herself.

"Ha ha ha... I guess I'll get going," avoiding eye contact with him, she ran towards the Company to gather her belongings while he was left frozen, processing the currently occured incident with a slight blush. Grinning happily he hopped to the company, avoiding the stares he received from the other staff.

'Maybe she likes me too after all...'


Your theories? Even though they're pretty obvious 👀

Did you expect the kiss lol
This is the 11th chapter. I never expected myself to update like this ㅋㅋㅋ
Thank you for the 300+ reads♥️
Thank you for reading till here and do vote and comment your thoughts 💜💙💚❤️💖💛💗
Stay safe and drink lots of water

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