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"Taehyung, why are you with her. And who's this...Oh Taehee?" Namjoon asked with a question mark on his face.

"Yes, I'm Mirae's friend you heard about on the call. So why do you need her? Consider me as her guardian..." crossing her hands on her chest she looked up at Namjoon who raised an eyebrow chuckling to himself.

"Why are you chuckling hyung? I'm also her guardian..." Taehyung spoke with an unintentional pout forming on his lips.

Namjoon shook his head at the typical crackhead behaviour portrayed by the two Kims, which he's absolutely used to.

"It's no time to joke around. This is serious business. And I need to talk to my- Mirae..." Namjoon stuttered out almost blushing at the slip of the tongue.

So close.

Taehyung noticed and slightly smirked to himself. Well, now everyone's aware about his crush.

"Uhh yes! Mirae, come with me. I need to have a serious talk with you..." Keeping his almost stern expression, he put his hand forward for her to take. She kept her hand in his and he led her to his studio.

She followed him without hesitation.

To say it was awkward would be an understatement. You could literally cut a knife through their awkward atmosphere because of how awkward it was.

"So—" both of them spoke at the same time to which Namjoon coughed and Mirae chuckled weakly.

"What is it about Joon-ah?" That single nickname created an explosion of butterflies in his stomach.

Those tingly feelings he felt on his cheeks, the urge to blush was at it's maximum level but he tried his level best to maintain cool.

"What I'm about to discuss is a serious matter. I hope you pay attention..." Mirae nodded, looking at him expectantly, while he hesitated whether or not to open up about the current situation which may cause her nothing but pain.

"It's about Kang Sora," Namjoon looked into her eyes which showed nothing but fear.

What if he won't trust her?

What if everyone backstabs her and she'll be lonely once again?

She looked away from his eyes clearing her throat.

"Who is Kang Sora? Never heard of her..." Mirae being a terrible liar, fiddled with her fingers, bit her lower lip which did not go unnoticed by Namjoon.

"I know you're lying. And we've done our research. You need to speak up..." He searched for her eyes again which he admired.


"We know everything. From the starting till the end. So just help us. Help many. Come on. You can do this!" Exhaling a deep sigh, she nodded with a thin lipped smile.

"Yes Namjoon. I know her..."

"That's it. You just had to admit it. The deal you made out of this..." Namjoon rolled his eyes playfully to which she chuckled.

"So the main reason why we called you here is, to check if you know the so-called sasaengs who followed around a few groups. We need to know if they were for real..." Namjoon spoke calmly earning a puzzled look from Mirae.

"I need any of your trustworthy college friends who had the same mutual friends as you..." Putting forward the thought, Namjoon looked into her eyes again.

He could feel the betrayal held behind those eyes.

He could feel the overwhelming emotions she had to control infront of him behind those eyes.

And to say that, she went through all these alone made him feel extremely guilty.

If only—

"Taehee. Taehee's the only one I trust..."

Namjoon nodded smiling to himself.

"Fine, I'll ask Taehyung and Taehee to come in here and we'll have a discussion. I'll be right back," he stood up from his chair and walked to the conference room where the meeting was held earlier.

"Bang PD-nim and others, We'll soon meet again for discussing this case. But right now, we're a little busy. So meet y'all later?" Namjoon nervously looked at his boss who nodded in approval dismissing the rest.

Once they left, he took Bang PD-nim, Taehyung and Taehee to the studio where Mirae was seated, silently sobbing to herself.

She felt guilty. Extremely guilty.

If she had opened her mouth back then, if she had used her voice back then, Hyuna wouldn't have died, many even wouldn't have tried to take their lives.

It's all my fault.

I deserve to die.

Everyone hates me.

"No we don't. Infact, I love you. I know you do love me back but why are you hiding your feelings? You deserve love. Don't believe what the stupid internet feeds you. They're just jealous. We're gonna have a serious talk about this once things are settled. Now—" He looked at Taehyung and Taehee who looked shocked at the man's outburst "—Y'all need to spill the boiling tea- I mean truth. Darn it! I'm spending too much time on Stan twitter. I'm gonna show you a few pictures of some sasaengs and tell me if you recognise them okay?"


So, do you think sasaengs deserve to be forgiven?

This is a double update. I decided to update daily, if I can, and that too a double update wouldn't hurt would it?
I'm glad I had many chapters in draft jsksks

Anyway, I hope you're all taking care of yourselves. Stay safe. Love you all.💕

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