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"Mirae-ah, don't do that! I swear to god if you buy her those tickets in your name, you're screwed" Taehee tried to convince her best friend to not do something she'll later regret.

"B-But Sora asked for it. Her parents kicked her out and she said she wanted to go to Japan to meet her boyfriend..." Mirae reasoned to which the person at the other side of the phone sighed frustratedly.

"You believe that bitch!? You're my best friend and all but you're so dense to notice that she's not a great influence. I'm warning you. Don't help her!"

"Who am I to stop two lovers from meeting up? And what did she do that you're hating her so confidently?" with a confused smile, she stared at her laptop, booking a ticket to Japan.

"You know what? It's a waste of time trying to make you understand. Don't come to me crying later on. I'm hanging up. Bye!"

"But I-" the other side hung up leaving Mirae speechless.

Shrugging to herself, she emailed the bought tickets to her best friend Sora, smiling happily, imagining the look on Sora's face recieving those tickets.

'She's going to be so happy that she'll shower me with love...'

But little did Mirae know what Sora actually had in store for her.

End of flashback

It's been two weeks since Mirae started avoiding Namjoon. He made all the excuses in the world to get a glimpse of her at the café, to be greeted by nothing but her ignorance.

Mirae wouldn't serve any of the Bangtannies as she was nervous to face them after their leader confessed to her from the bottom of his heart.

Some of them looked at her desperately, craving the need to fix things between them but she didn't want to.

She didn't want to give him hope.

Just like Ahgases said, she deserves hate, not love.

Whenever anyone mentioned Namjoon, she swiftly avoided the topic distracting them with a different one.

"Hey, you've been spacing out a lot recently don't you think Woobin oppa?" Saeron asked looking at Mirae who shook her head coming back to reality.

"This is the first time I'm agreeing with Saeron because all she does is say anything stupid..." Woobin smirked earning a painful nudge and glare from Saeron.

"Noona, what's on your mind? You've been looking so down lately. Want to talk about it?" Shaking her head, she gave a fake smile in reply.

"Don't worry about me guys. I'm fine..."

'I'm not fine...'

Her mouth refrained herself from using those three words.

The creepy spam messages sent by the sasaeng group Sora added her to, the death threats, her family abandoning her, Namjoon's love confession.

These thoughts clashed in her brain making it difficult to breathe.

"Excuse me guys, I need to use the restroom. I'll be right back..." earning nods from the two, she left to the ladies restroom and locked herself in the usual stall.

The place where she cried her heart out at.

The place where no one would turn around to look at.

After she felt like she drained herself, she flushed the toilet out of habit and left the stall.

On leaving the restroom, a familiar voice called out her name. The voice she was longing to hear. The voice which gave her comfort. The voice she loved. The beautiful voice of Kim Namjoon.

"Mirae-ah, please. I need to talk to you..."
He took her arms, looking at her for permission.

Not having the energy to deny, she nodded her head, to which Namjoon softly walked along with her to his studio, locking the door behind him.



Grinning ear to ear, the girl clicked away from Twitter after posting the picture of Namjoon being kissed, taken without them knowing.

It blew up within seconds.

'Yes, exactly what I wanted...'

After logging out of Twitter, she began posting the picture on other social medias, awakening the fandom.

Many of the comments read:

Isn't that Sora? The one who trailed behind Seonie?

It's that bitch. Guys! Namjoon's in trouble. Let's keep her away from him.

Aww. Joonie looks so happy.

Going behind GOT7 wasn't enough and now you're going behind BTS!?

Stay away from them!

You despicable slut! Rot in hell!

Seeing majority of the hate comments blow up, she sighed feeling satisfied calling the master brain behind this and informing them of their plan's success.

And that's how Mirae's life turned into hell even more. Literally.

Articles by dispatch and many other websites came into existence addressing the issue.

Is BTS' RM dating a Sasaeng?

Kim Namjoon and his secret relationship.

Kang Sora and her ways of manipulation.

But the thing none knew was, is her name really Kang Sora?


What's gonna happen next?

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm supposed to be posting it on Friday like I said a few weeks back but turns out I'll be really really busy this Friday. So it's an early update.
Although it's short, I hope y'all did enjoy it

I think the plot is pretty obvious. I don't keep anything mysterious which is kinda boring?

Can someone guess the approximate words I used in this chapter? 🙈

Thank you for reading ❤️
Do vote and comment your thoughts if you did enjoy it
Stay safe😘

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