Chapter 1

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Lacey Smith lay asleep in her king size bed. Her king size duvet cuddled into her, keeping her warm and cosy as she slept. Her peaceful deep sleep didn't last for long though as she was soon awoken by her alarm which she had set the previous night on her phone going off, playing one of her favourite songs, Paradise by George Ezra. She slowly woke up and reached under the pillows to her left and got her phone, turning the alarm off. She decided not to get up right away and instead decided to wait until she had woken up more. She eventually managed to get up and headed to the bathroom first. 

"I'm up, I'll be through in five" Ann, Lacey's mum called out to her from her room.

Soon both of them were up and sitting in the living room, Lacey was drinking her hot cup of tea her mum had made for her, while Ann was drinking her cup of coffee. None of them bothered to eat a breakfast as they both preferred to eat something around lunch time rather than first thing in the morning. 

"If we have this first then get dressed and ready then we can walk down into town to do the shopping since it's a nice lovely morning" Ann said

Lacey just nodded in agreement as she drifted off into her own little world. 

Lacey moved her head in the direction of the living room window so she could look out, as she did she saw her neighbour, Nathan, from down the road on the opposite side of the street walk past. He looked in the window and smiled as he waved into Lacey. She just smiled and waved back. 

"He likes you" Ann teased 

"No he doesn't, he was just being polite, as was I" Lacey replied as she shook her head

"Then why do you both smile at each other when you see each other or speak to each other ?" Ann asked

"We're just being friendly, besides he's too young for me, I've already told you, I'd prefer to be with someone my own age" Lacey shrugged

"Age is just a number, nothing wrong with seeing or dating a young who's a little younger than you" Ann said as she got up after finishing her coffee. 

Lacey just let out a small sigh before she also got up and took her cup through to the kitchen. Soon Lacey was dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans and a casual lilac purple top which had "Smile" printed across the middle of it. Once Lacey had pulled her hair into a top knot bun and finished getting ready, she was soon ready to leave with Ann. They left the house and began their walk down to the local small town. 

"Such a nice morning for a walk" Ann said

"It is lovely and warm" Lacey agreed

They soon arrived at the local supermarket grocery store and began their weekly food shop. As they walked up and down the aisles, Lacey looked at the shelves before the sight of a familiar blond haired boy caught her eye. Lacey looked away, smiling shyly.

"Hello you two, your both up and out early this morning" Nathan smiled as he spoke to Ann and Lacey

"We're up early every morning" Ann replied

"What else are you up to today ?" Nathan asked

"Might head up into town or go a walk with my dog" Lacey answered

"Why not ? May as well enjoy the sun while it's here" Nathan smiled

"You got any plans after work today ?" Lacey asked

"Just head home, change and chill" Nathan smiled

"You on late today then ?" Lacey asked

"Finish at one this after noon, started my shift at seven this morning" Nathan answered, smiling at Lacey.

"You got any plans for tonight ?" Nathan asked Lacey

"I normally like to just chill at night, watch a movie or a two then maybe read" Lacey shrugged

"Movie ? Like chick flick or romance ?" Nathan asked

"No, more like a horror or two" Lacey smiled

"Your into horror movies ?" Nathan asked surprised

"Yeah" Lacey answered, confused

"I just didn't expect you to be into horror movies" Nathan said

"There you go, you've just learned something new about me" Lacey joked

"What's your favourite horror movie then ?" Nathan asked

"I like Alien, Insidious and IT 2017" Lacey answered

"Nice choices there, any other movies you like ?" Nathan asked

"There's a few, yeah but I'd have to tell you later" Lacey replied but Nathan just shot her a confused look

"It's quite a long list" Lacey added

"Ahh I see, for a minute there, I was beginning to think you didn't want to talk" Nathan said as he shrugged his shoulders. His soft blonde hair fell onto his face in front of his blue eyes

"Well you are meant to be working, I don't want you to get into trouble" Lacey smiled

They were both quiet for a moment as they smiled at each other

"Lace, I'm just going to head on round the next few isles, catch me up when your ready" Ann said as she interrupted

"Yeah okay mum, I'll catch you up" Lacey replied

"So I guess I'll see you around then neighbour" Nathan said

"Yeah, I guess and if you didn't already know, my name is Lacey" Lacey smiled

"Well bye for now then, Lacey" Nathan said with a small smirk

Once Lacey had said goodbye, she caught up with her mum a few isles further down the shop. 

"Have fun getting chatted up back there ?" Ann asked her daughter with an amused expression and humour tone

"He wasn't chatting me up, he was only talking to me as a friend or neighbour" Lacey trying to shut her mum down

"Ah ha sure" Ann said

Lacey just shook her head and looked at the items that was on display on the shelves. 

Hello everyone ! :) This is the first chapter of my new story :D It may seem slow but that's just because I don't want to rush it too much

Anyway I hope this gets as much love as my previous story :) <3 

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