Chapter 21

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I was sitting in Jack's bed, the one he had in his own place. It was raining really heavy outside, I was sure we would probably get a thunder storm. I really hoped Callum never told anyone about him catching Jack and I last night, I was still so embarrassed by the whole incident. Luckily Jack and I weren't doing anything bad, we just got into a heated moment. Speaking of Jack, he was currently out doing his pack duties. We really need to talk more so I can ask him what his duties include. I didn't want to push him into thinking I was phishing for information, I just wanted to take a natural interest. 

I got up and walked around Jack's room, taking in all the detail. The large bookshelf filled with some books soon caught my attention. I walked over to the bookshelf and had a look through his books to see if he had anything worth while reading. One book caught my attention so I sat back down on his bed, got comfy and then began reading it. I was a few chapters in when Jack got back but, I never heard him coming in until he walked into the room. 

"You raiding my library?" Jack asked

I looked up from the book, my breath feeling like it was instantly being sucked out of my body. Jack was soaking wet from the rain obviously but his dark brown hair was also soaking wet and the water was still dripping off his hair over his head and face

"Wow" I whispered to myself

"What?" Jack asked confused

"What? Oh urn your book, sorry I was bored I didn't know when you'd be back" I replied

"It's fine Lace, I don't mind, I need to change clothes real quick and dry my head" Jack said as he got out a set of clean clothes and grabbed a towel for his hair. 

I swear if I didn't know Jack as a childhood friend or know he was a werewolf, I swear he could have passed for a male model. 

Jack soon emerged from the bathroom wearing black joggers and a grey short sleeved top. The towel rested on his shoulders, his hair was damp now he had dried it and got all the water off. What was really catching my eyes now was all the tattoos that covered his arms. From his wrists right up, both arms covered in different colours and designs. 

"See something you like there?" Jack asked when he caught me staring

"I didn't know you had tattoos" I replied

"Yeah, I got them done when I was human, they stuck with me which I'm grateful for" Jack replied

Jack walked over and sat down on the bed. I put the book down and moved so I was sitting between Jack's legs. I took his left arm first as I studied all his tattoos. I gently traced them with my finger. I then repeated the same action with his right arm. 

"I think it's gonna be a miserable day today" Jack said

"I know, think we could even get a thunderstorm" I replied still amazed with his tattoos. 

"Are you okay with thunderstorms?" Jack asked

"I don't really like thunder or lightning but I'm sure I'll manage" I smiled

"Well you've got me here to look after you and help you through it" Jack said as he rubbed my back 

"Jack I am sorry I wondered off yesterday from the hospital and caused you so much worry" I said still feeling bad

"It's fine, your safe, I got you back in one piece and unharmed that's all that matters but what I said about staying away from Nathan still stands" Jack said in a serious tone

"I can't face him, I even think of him or picture his face and i feel like I'm gonna be sick" I told Jack honestly

"Well try not to think of him or picturing his face, instead just think of me and picture me" Jack smirked

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