Chapter 23

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I was busy getting the house cleaned up and ready for my mum to come home. I quickly checked my watch and realised it was late, 7pm to be exact. I really thought Jason would have dropped my mum home by now, I knew it wasn't that long of a drive. I continued to clean up, hoping she would be dropped off soon, we had so much to catch up on and I have missed her so much, it'll be nice just to sit down, talk and catch up together again. It was dark outside but I had already closed the blinds and curtains ages ago. I didn't feel safe having them open and Nathan walked by and seen me home. I pushed all thoughts of him away from my mind. I was walking along the hall back towards the living room after putting some of my clean washing away when a knock came to the door. I smiled to myself thinking maybe this was my mum home now and Jason just wanted help getting her things inside the house. 

I opened the door with a big smile but that soon fell when I saw Jason stood there with a few police officers. Two of them were in uniform but then another two of them looked more official. 

"Jase, what's going on? Where's my mum?" I asked as I looked around for her

"Lacey Smith?" One of the more official officers asked

"Yes, I'm Lacey, what's going on?" I asked

"I'm Detective Inspector Aiden Marson, this is my college DS Sarah Parker, the other two are PC Williams and PC Healey" the official officer I now know is Aiden Marson, said as he motioned to them all, Aiden and Sarah held up their I.D's for me to see. 

"Can we please come inside ?" The same official officer asked

I moved aside and opened the door so they could walk in. I noticed that Jason had a head injury and looked pretty shaken up but also upset. I followed them in, letting one of the uniformed officers close the door behind us. I sat down on the sofa beside Jason and looked around at everyone. I noticed how they all had sincere looks on their faces. 

"What's going on ?" I asked

"Lacey, there was an accident when I was bringing your mum home" Jason said, his voice shaky and trembling

"What kind of accident ?" I asked 

"A serious one, we were driving on the motor way but we came to one of the large roundabouts when this car came out of nowhere, I think the driver put his foot down at a red light and he crashed into us, causing us to crash into other cars" Jason began to explain

"Oh my god are you okay Jason ? Shouldn't you be in hospital getting checked over ?" I asked, worried about him

"I had to come and see you and tell you" Jason said as he closed his eyes, tears fell from them.

"Right well now you have, we need to get you checked over, what about my mum is she already there at the hospital ?" I asked as I stood up about to get ready

"No Lace, she's not there" Jason said, his eyes still closed as he pinched the bridge between his eyes

"Well where is she ?" I asked

"I'm sorry Miss Smith, your mum, she was killed instantly in the accident, she didn't make it" Aiden said with a sympathetic look on his face.

"N....No" I stumbled to get out.

I shook my head thinking I was hearing them wrong or I was dreaming, surely this couldn't be happening, not for real. 

"I'm so sorry Miss Smith, Jason really does need to get to the hospital to be checked over, we can arrange for some family liaison officers to sit with you for a bit" Sarah said

"What happened to the driver of the car that caused the accident ?" I asked

"Once he crashed into us, he kept his foot down and sped away but we have officers going to the people in charge of the CCTV cameras there so we can pull any footage from the crash and the car, hopefully we can get a clear look at the car registration" Aiden explained

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