Chapter 17

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Jack and I were sat behind a waterfall. I still couldn't quite believe what I had seen. Jack hadn't said much either as he stared off into his own world.

"I get it if you hate me" Jack said still not looking at me

"I don't hate you Jack, I'm just having trouble processing what I just seen happen" I replied

"Now you know the monster I am" Jack said

"I don't think that, it's just things like this only ever happen in books or movies" I say

"Your very calm about this, I half expected you to freak out, faint or run" Jack said

"I'm freaking out inside, can I ask you something ?" I asked

"You want to know how I became like this" Jack stated the obvious

"Sorry, you don't have to-" I began

"It's fine, of course you want to know and have questions" Jack said simply

I moved so I was sitting closer to Jack and waited for him to continue.

"I was out late one night with some friends, close by to here, it was very dark and misty, we were in a car, driving safely, I don't know what or how it happened but the car steered off the road and it crashed, badly. My friend's in the car didn't make it, I managed to crawl out, I struggled with my injuries but managed to slowly crawl into the woods, I was having black outs and struggling to stay awake. The next thing I knew, I heard light growling and saw this huge wolf, walking towards me, I knew I was done for, I couldn't run. The wolf bit me, I screamed out in pain. I was sure that I would die and the wolf would kill me but by some miracle, I woke up next day in a strange room, That's when I was introduced to my now alpha, Corey" Jack explained

"Wow so in a weird way, Corey kind of did save you that night" I said

"Guess so" Jack shrugged

"So are you part of a pack ? Are there more wolves here ?" I asked

"Yeah, there's me, alpha Corey, Callum who you met earlier, there's about twenty of us here" Jack answered

"All male or is there females here too ?" I asked

"There is females here too, most of the females are mated to their male mate, a wolf can tell his true mate from their scent" Jack explained

"What about you ? Have you found yours ?" I asked carefully

"I think so I just don't know if she wants me" Jack replied

"I'm sure she does want you Jack, your sweet, kind, gentle, caring, the list is endless" I told him

"I don't know about that" Jack said, shaking his head to the side

"I do, now what's her name ?" I asked

Jack looked at me for a moment before he spoke again to answer my question.

"It's you Lace" 

I stared at Jack in shock for a moment before I responded so I could process what he said

"Me ? How ? I mean I'm not a wolf" I asked confused

"I know, it's uncommon to find a human mate but not too uncommon, it can happen from time to time" Jack shrugged

"So what happens now ? Now me, am I in danger ?" I asked nervously

"No Lace, your not in any kind of danger here, your one hundred percent safe" Jack reassured me

"What about us ? Are we still okay to be together ?" I asked

"We can be yes, but my wolf is pushing me every time we're together to mark you and mate with you" Jack explained

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