Chapter 9

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I woke up feeling really excited. I was happy and excited to be seeing and meeting up with Jack again. I haven't laughed as much as what I did last night at dinner. Of course I tried to pay my share but Jack insisted on paying for it. He really was perfect. The perfect gentleman. I quickly sent Jack a quick text

"Good morning, Mr Perfect, are you still okay to meet up today ? The other's have decided to go on a drinking bender. I know they will probably go wild. If you can't make it, don't worry, I'm sure I will find something to do. Xx" 

I smiled once I had sent the text. I decided on a quick shower to freshen up and give my hair a quick wash. I put my music on my phone in the shower so it wasn't too quiet. I did this back home too. I was in the middle of getting dressed when my phone buzzed, indicating that I had received a new message. I quickly picked up my phone to have a look.

"Mr Perfect huh ?  Yes I am still okay to meet up don't worry, I won't let you be on your own in a foreign place, I keep my promises. Xx"

I had just finished getting ready when my phone buzzed again indicating that I had received another message.

"Can I  please have your room number ? I'm outside about to come in and up for you. XX" 

I quickly sent Jack a text with my room number. While I was waiting on him, I got my bag ready for today. I had the usual things in my bag, deodorant, perfume, hair brush, pens, phone charger just in case, diary. Something in my bag caught my attention. Something I knew I never put in there, it must have been Jason or one of the others. A box of condoms. My main guess was Jason, he was the only person who I had told about Jack. I quickly hid them under other things in my bag so no one would be able to see them, I just had to be extra careful. I put my purse in my bag then zipped it up. I had only just managed to zip my bag up when a knock came to my door. I walked over and opened it slightly only to see Jack stood outside.

"Hey, can I come in ?" Jack asked

"Sure, sorry wasn't sure if it was my cousin Jason, you or the hotel staff here to change the towels and stuff" I smiled as I opened the door to let Jack in. 

We weren't even standing that close, I hardly had the door open but I could smell his aftershave a mile away. I have to admit he did smell good, even better than Jason. Once he walked into the room, I closed the door.

"You smell good" I blurted out before I even thought of it

Jack just gave me an amused smiled.

"Thanks, take that as a compliment shall I ?" Jack teased

"I meant your aftershave has a nice smell or scent to it, it just came out wrong the way I said it" I explained

"It's Man by Jimmy Choo" Jack said, informing me of his aftershave name and fragrance. 

"You smell good too" Jack smiled

"Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment shall I ?" I teased him right back

"Very funny" Jack smiled

"It's Ghost Sweetheart" I told him

"It suits you very well" Jack said out of nowhere

"Why ? Because I'm a sweetheart ?" I teased

"Well yes you are, in your own way" Jack said as he looked over at me

"So what do you have planned for today then ?" I asked changing the conversation.

"It's a surprise" Jack said not giving any information away

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