Chapter 28

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Lacey POV

I paced around my room, deep in thought. I was beyond pissed at Nathan for trying to point the finger of blame at Jack for the crash. Unknown to Nathan though, I had managed to clear Jack's name, I knew it wasn't Jack's car in the pictures the police had pulled from the CCTV cameras. Wrong make, wrong model and also wrong registration. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock at my door, I stopped pacing and turned to look at the door only to see Jason standing there. 

"Can I come in ?" He asked

I nodded in response

"Lacey, I'm sorry for jumping down your throat the way I did when you said you were moving. I understand it must be hard for you to live here alone given what's happened" Jason began as he sat down on the sofa

"I shouldn't have just dropped a bombshell like that on you, I should have talked to you first about my decision" I explained as I sat down on my bed

"Listen, if it's what you really want then maybe you should go for it, it seems Jack is rather good for you" Jason smiled

"Yeah he is, I still can't believe Nathan though, trying to pin the blame onto Jack" I say through gritted teeth

"Are you one hundred percent sure it wasn't Jack's car ?" Jason asked

"Yes, Jason, I've seen his car a thousand times, I've been in it, I've looked at the make, model and taken a good note of the registration plate, it's not his car in those pictures Jason" I told him

Jason just had to take one look at the look on my face to know that I was telling him the truth. 

"So why would Nathan point the finger of blame at him ?" Jason asked confused

"I've been thinking about that, I think it was because Jack saved me from him, the night he injected me with that date rape drug, he's always been jealous since Jack came on the scene, me spending all my time with Jack, visiting him, Jack coming over here to see me, seeing how happy I am with Jack and me rejecting him" I explained

"Makes sense" Jason said as he thought about everything I had told him.

We were interrupted by a knock at the front door. We looked at each other confused before Jason got up. 

"Stay here, I'll get it" Jason said as he walked out of my room and made his way towards the front door. 

I waited by my bedroom door and listened. 

"Oh, it's you" I heard Jason say

I couldn't quite hear the other voice but then I heard the door close and Jason locking it. I moved away from my door and made my way along the hall towards the front door to find out what was going on. I looked up from the ground but soon stopped in my tracks. 

"Jack ?" I said confused as I looked up into his eyes

"Lacey, you okay ?" Jack asked

Before I could answer, we were interrupted by my phone ringing off. I took it out of my pocket and checked the caller I.D first.

"Excuse me, I need to take this" I say before answering the call

"Hello, Detective Marson" I said answering the call 

"Hi Lacey, I'm just calling to let you that we did check those plates over, you were right, they don't belong to Jack like you told us" He explained

"Okay so who do they belong to ?" I asked 

"that's just the thing, they're not actually registered to anyone, they shouldn't exist" Aiden replied

"Come again" I say confused

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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