Chapter 20

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I only meant to close my eyes for a moment but, as soon as I had closed them, darkness took over me and I was back there again, in Nathan's house...trapped. 

"No!" I screamed 

Nathan towered over me, grinning evilly and chuckled but it was a dark, cold chuckle.

"I got away" I said 

"Oh Lacey, you are never  getting away from me, not that easily anyway" Nathan said as he stalked towards me....


I had checked all the spots where I had shown Lacey but she wasn't at any of them and my wolf couldn't even pick up her scent. I walked through the woods wondering where else she could possibly be, she wouldn't just leave and go back home, especially since she still wasn't safe there with Nathan being there. I was so worried, I was also mad with her for not waiting for me. I would have collected her from the infirmary and shown her around more. I stopped for a minute to gather my thoughts. I took a deep breath in but something in the air caught the attention of my wolf.

"Mate" He growled in my ear, well more like my head

I kept using my nose and smelling the air, letting my wolf guide me to her by using her scent. I ran as fast as I could. I soon stopped by the old oak tree, there I saw Lacey, asleep on the ground but something was wrong, she was screaming and crying. I ran over to her and knelt down beside her. 

"Hey Lace, wake up" I said as I gently shook her

"No! Get away from me!" She screamed, still asleep and in an unconscious state

"Lacey wake up" I tried again

"Stay away from me, Jack is gonna come for me!" She screamed 

"Lacey, I'm here, but I need you to wake up sweetheart" I said as I held her head and tried to get her to wake up

She just continued to cry and move around. I really needed her to wake up soon before she hurt herself. 

"Please forgive me for this Lace" I whispered before taking a deep breath

"LACEY WAKE UP!" I shouted

"No, JACK!" Lacey screamed as her eyes shot open and her arms wrapped around my neck

"Hey shhh it's okay, I've got you, your safe, it was just a bad dream" I said in a calming voice as I rubbed small circles on her back.

Lacey just clung onto me and cried. I picked her up and carried her back to my house, close to the pack house. I still talked to her and tried to calm her down. Once inside, I carried her up to my room and laid her down on my bed.

"Please don't leave me" Lacey whispered

"I'm not going anywhere, do you wanna talk about it?" I asked

"I only went to close my eyes for a moment but as soon as I did, it was like there was this darkness and then I was back there" Lacey said looking down

"Why did you just wonder off like that? I would have come and picked you up, shown you around" I said

"You were busy, I didn't wanna be in there any longer, I didn't want to stay in that bed any longer, I didn't wanna be told to rest, I'd done plenty of that, all I wanted to do was go for a walk and get some fresh air" Lacey answered

"You scared me so much, I wasn't sure where you were, You have to be really careful that you don't wonder too far in the woods, you can easily walk onto another pack's grounds, if they think your a rogue or trespassing they won't hesitate to capture you or kill you" I told her

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