Chapter 22

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I was out at the shops in the local small town with Jack. We had to pick up some supplies for his house, the pack and also me. I was in dire need of some new clothes, I couldn't keep wearing Jack's clothes no matter how comfortable they were on me, especially since they were baggy and oversized on me. As we walked, I may have very sneakily snuck my hand into his and intertwined our hands together.

"Are you really that eager to hold my hand?" Jack asked amused

"No but I feel a lot safer" I smiled

We continued walking around and picking up what we needed. I went into a store and picked up some clothes, pyjamas, deodorants and some other essentials which I knew I would need. I had just paid for everything when Jack walked into the store.

"You done already?" Jack asked shocked

"All done" I smiled

"Wow and I thought girls liked to take their time and browse" Jack commented

"Not this girl, I don't like spending too long in shops, just in case they get too busy and over crowded or too hot" I shrugged explaining myself to him

"Did you managed to get everything that you needed to get?" I asked him

"Yeah, it's all in my car, I put it in there then came to find you" Jack explained

"Ah so your free to carry my bags then ?" I asked him with a cheeky smile on my face

"Of course, I mean I am stronger than you" Jack commented

Jack took my bags and carried them to the car for me. I was glad we brought the car with us since the two plastic bags which held my purchases felt like they would snap or burst with how much stuff was in them.

"How are you feeling today after that thunderstorm last night ?" Jack asked as we drove back to the pack house

"Better, thanks. Hey I didn't know you could sing, your voice was beautiful" I said

"Don't tell any of the others, I've never sang in front of any of them before, actually you are the first" Jack replied as he kept his eyes on the road.

We soon arrived back at the pack house, Jack got out all the bags for the pack house and took them over, he gave me his key to his house so I could take my stuff in sort it out. I also took in Jack's shopping he picked up and put some of it away. Jack soon joined me back in his house and helped me to put everything away.

"What shall we do tonight ?" Jack asked

"I don't know about you but I could use a nice hot relaxing shower and then a massage" I smiled to Jack

"Sounds great I could use a massage myself" Jack replied with a mischievous smile

"Okay well you go on up and have your shower first, I'll make a start to dinner then I'll come up and massage your neck for you" I smiled

"Oh by the way, I got you a little present in town today" Jack smiled as he turned and went into one of his shopping bags.

"You didn't have too" I said as I watched Jack

He carefully lifted the item out of the bag, it was wrapped up in purple gift wrapping paper. He leaned over to me, holding it out, I carefully took it from him.

"It's okay it's not breakable, I just saw it and smiled thinking of you" Jack explained as I opened the gift up.

"Once it was open, I gasped and smiled down at the gift before lifting it up and looking at Jack. He had bought me a small dreamcatcher but it had a picture of a wolf in the middle of it along with some small tassels with the beads and feathers.

"I thought maybe it would help you with your nightmares, dreamcatchers, they're meant to prevent bad dreams from happening" Jack explained

"I know what a dream catcher is and does Jack" I smiled

"And of course it has a wolf on it to remind you of me" Jack smirked

"Of course" I teased

"Maybe you can hang it up in your room or something" Jack suggested

"I'll hang it up on my wall above my bed" I smiled

A few days had passed, Jack and I were happier than ever, closer than ever and even stronger as a couple.

"So when is your mum due back ?" Jack asked

"Later today, I wanna be back for her but I also don't wanna leave" I said

"Go home and spend time with you mum, I'm sure she's missed you and you two have a lot to catch up on, just stay away from Nathan, avoid him as much as possible" Jack said to me in a serious one, even though he already knew I had no plans to see or even speak to Nathan at all.

"I know, you've already told me but as I've told you, I have no plans to see or even speak to him" I replied

Jack drove me home again but Jacob also came with us just in case Jack needed back up. Once back at my house, I got my stuff out the boot of the car and my key to the house. I opened the door and put my stuff in. I had time to do some washing before my mum got back.

"I'll call you later" Jack said as he kissed the top of my head

"You better" I smiled

I leaned up into Jack and placed my lips on his, giving him a kiss filled with love and passion.

"I never get tired of those lips or your kisses" Jack smiled

"Well at least its giving you something to look forward to, to when we see each other again" I joked

Jack and Jacob soon left to drive back. I knew my house was safe since they both came in and checked it over for me. I made sure to lock the door as well once I was inside the house on my own. I still felt uneasy to be here on my own, I wished Jack could have stayed with me. I don't know why but I just got this horrid feeling that something was wrong or about to go wrong.


I was sat on my bed, I couldn't concentrate on anything. I was waiting on some of my 'friends' to call to tell me that what I had asked them to do, was indeed done. I went through my plan so many times it was fool proof and it would mean getting Jack out of Lacey's life for good. I was sick of girls knocking me back and rejecting me, first off it was Amy and now Lacey. I was soon brought out of my thoughts when my phone began ringing.

"Hello" I said as I answered the call

"The jobs done, it's complete, just keep an eye out later" The male voice replied

"Good. Now I will be in touch soon. Remember, keep your mouth shut if anyone asks or comes sniffing" I warned

Not another word was spoken, instead, he just hung up on me. I removed my phone from my ear and waited for the next part of my plan to unfold. Inside I knew I would be enjoying every moment of it but on the outside I would show a different side. I was going to love seeing Jack lose everything, including Lacey. There was no possible way he couldn't, not after what I had just arranged to be done.........

Word Count : 1269


Here is Chapter 22 for you all to enjoy and as you can see it is all going to be kicking off again and yes I know I have left this chapter on a cliff hanger for you all :D What do you think Nathan has arranged to do ? Of course I know what it is and how it's going to play out in the coming chapters :D I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I don't like putting too much drama into my chapters, I like to try and space it out :) Enjoy this chapter and I will see you all hopefully for the next chapter :D


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