Chapter 12

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Jack and I had spent the last few days together, spending time together, creating memories and enjoying each other's company. I'll admit, if someone told me when I was at high school that Jack and I would end up like this, I'd have told them that they were mad but here we are. Even Jason had a word with Jack, the day after I told Jason about Jack and I. 

- Flashback - 

I was sitting in my room waiting for Jack to pick me up. We had already planned our day together. I was on my phone just browsing around, I know I had a lot of texts from Nathan but I wasn't really in the mood to talk to him, not just yet, all I wanted to concentrate on and think about was Jack and our time we have been and will be spending together. I honestly don't think I've ever been this happy. I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the hotel door. I got up and opened the door, only to be greeted by Jack's dark brown chocolate eyes and bright smile.

"Good morning beautiful" Jack smiled

"Morning handsome" I smiled letting Jack enter the room

"Are you ready to go ?" Jack asked

"I am but there's something I have to tell you" I told him

"What is it ?" Jack asked, his smile now gone

"Yesterday, when we snuck out of here together, my cousin Jason seen us, so I kinda told him about us, being together" I said

I really hope he wasn't angry about this.

"Okay, that's good right ?" Jack asked

"Your not mad I told him about us ?" I asked nervously

"No, of course I'm not, how did he take the news ?" Jack asked

"He wants to meet you and have a word with you" I told him

"Okay, when ?" Jack asked

"Right about now" I told him

Just as I had said that, another knock came to the door. 

"Please relax and don't be nervous" I said to Jack before walking over and opening the door

"Morning Lace, is it okay to come in ?" Jason asked

I nodded before moving the door so he could walk in. 

"Oh you already have company ?" Jason asked once he walked in and saw Jack standing in the room.

"Yeah, Jase this Jack, Jack this is my older cousin Jason" I said introducing them

"Nice to meet you" Jack smiled, holding his hand out to Jase

"Same mate, so your Lacey's new beau ?" Jason asked amused

"Yes, well I mean I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes" Jack replied

Poor Jack, I could see how nervous and unprepared he was for this interrogation.

"Look mate relax, I have nothing against you or you spending time with Lace just don't lead her on or break her heart" Jason said in a warning tone

"That's not my intention at all, I've really been enjoying spending time with her and reconnecting with her, I've been a lot happier these past few days since bumping into Lace and spending time with her" Jack answered

Jason seemed very satisfied with Jack's answer. They shook hands again before Jason told me his and the other's plans before leaving.

"Sorry" I said to Jack once Jason left

"What for ?" Jack asked

"For Jason, interrogating you like that" I answered

"It's okay, he's just looking out for you, he's protective of you like a big brother, it's sweet" Jack smiled

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