Chapter 13

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I got to spend the remaining time on my holiday with Jack, which I was grateful for. Every time I was with him, he always found a way to make me smile or laugh which I loved. Even when we spent time just sitting and talking, if I was talking he would sit and listen to me and I listened to him when he talked. I never thought we would have a connection like this ever. Although we are together and official, only Jack, myself and Jason knew about us, no one else. I didn't mind though, I didn't like other people knowing my business, I'm a pretty private person. I didn't really want to leave this place and head back home but Jack and I swore we would make it work, we had each other's numbers so we could call each other, video call each other and visit each other. Jack promised he'd come over to mine for a visit and I promised to visit him plus I also had my pictures I took of him, he also had pictures of me. 

I just stared out the window the whole journey back home, already missing Jack. Jason pulled into a gas station on the way back to fill the tank up, he asked me if I needed or wanted anything from inside the shop but I kindly declined his offer but he still managed to come back out with something for me anyway. I was confused when he handed me a cold bottle of Lucozade sport orange and a white Kinder Bueno chocolate bar.

"You do drink that Lucozade and eat that chocolate bar right ?" Jason asked

"Yeah I do, thanks Jase" I said offering him a small smile

"Anything to try and make you smile" he replied before clipping his seat belt on and starting the car again. 

I took my phone out and went to the gallery on it where all the pictures are stored, I looked through all of Jack's pictures I took of him. I suddenly felt like I had this emptiness inside me. I was trying to decide if I should send him a text or not. Just as I was about to come off the gallery, a text message came through on my phone from Jack.

"Missing you already x"

I smiled to myself before replying to his text

"Missing you already too, wish I could have stayed with you longer X"

I replied back to him. 

"Just keep looking at my pictures you have of me and dream of me, we will be together soon, I promise x"

Jack sent back within minutes. 

(L) "You know I always dream of you now and only you, there's no one else for me X"

(J) "Good to know, you already know your the only girl I have eyes for X

I smiled again, trying not to blush, I really didn't want Jason to see me like this, he'd know instantly that it was Jack.

"What is he saying ?" Jason asked out of nowhere

"Who ?" I asked shocked

Jason gave me a funny look before replying

"Jason Statham, your little lover boy of course Lace, come on I see you sitting there texting away and smiling to yourself" 

"He just said he misses me already and that he'll see me soon" I shrugged

"Aww young love" Jason teased

I just shook my head and ignored him. 

We soon pulled up outside my mums house, she was at the door already waiting for us. Jason got my suitcase out the boot and took it in for me. 

"Well here she is, back in one piece safe sound and in love" Jason smiled

"In love ?" My mum asked confused and shocked

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