Chapter 26

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I was sitting with Jack out in the woods, it was a lovely Summery day. Jack was in his wolf form since this was his patrolling hours. I watched Jack in awe and amazement as he shifted into his wolf form again in front of my eyes. I followed Jack closely, he insisted that I stay at his place but I really wanted out to get some fresh air, I was getting bored being stuck indoors all the time. Jack gave in and agreed to let me go with him. I know he was still worried about me seeing him change but it just seemed to amaze me. Of course i still didn't know the land very well to go anywhere on my own here. 

We were sitting on some grass inside the forest. Jack was sitting very close to me, keeping an eye on me. I smiled and gently petted his head. Jack seemed to like that as he tilted his head to the side I was rubbing. An idea suddenly popped into my head, I used both my hands and rubbed around both his ears and behind them. Jack moved his head around as I rubbed and scratched around and behind his ears, causing me to giggle at him. 

I knew why Jack was being careful and clingy with me today, I had given myself to him the previous night, after I grabbed his hand and we ran up to his room. Jack was careful and gentle with me, even if his wolf was trying to push him to be a little rougher or to bite me or mark me, he didn't do anything like that. I was still upset and grieving for my mum but Jack always just seemed to know just what to do to help me and comfort me. Our night together was filled with nothing but love for one another. I knew Jack was worried about how I would be after, if i had any regrets but I was happy after and I had no regrets. 

I looked up into Jack's now big dark eyes and leaned my head into his furry one and smiled. His head was soft and gentle. Jack then decided to start giving me wolf kisses by licking my forehead and face with his tongue. 

"Jack" I laughed

We continued like that for a few minutes, Jack giving me his wolf kisses and me giggling at how tickly it felt. I ended up laying down on the grass and Jack lay right next to me. 

"Thank you so much Jack, not just for last night but for all you've done for me so far, for always coming to my rescue, being there for me, for listening to me, everything" I said as I looked into his eyes, I knew he could understand me very well. 

We soon got up and walked around the woodland some more to check for any sign of any rogues, trespassers, any one that shouldn't be on the land but everything looked fine so we walked back n the direction of the pack house and the others. 

I was sat on Jack's bed whilst he was in the shower in his en suite. I decided to wait for Jack on his bed since I could still talk to him while he got dressed and freshened up. I checked my phone but so far, no one had called or text me. Part of me felt relieved but another part of me felt disappointed. I hoped I'd at least get to see my mum soon. Jason had called to discuss the arrangements for the funeral but I still wasn't ready. I was lucky though, most of it was already sorted since my mum done one of those funeral plan things a while back. I was soon brought out of my thoughts as the shower was turned off and the door to the en suite opened. I looked over as Jack walked out with just a towel wrapped around his waist, his perfect lean body on full display for me and my eyes. 

I moved my hand up to my mouth and bit my thumb as I watched all the water droplets run down his body. In a weird kind of way, it felt like I was in some kind of private show and all the best parts were for my eyes only. 

"Enjoying what you see there ?" Jack asked as he looked at me and gave me a cheeky wink

"I was urm just thinking about things" I said 

"Oh yeah ? Like what ?" Jack asked as he walked over to me, the towel still the only thing around his waist

  "Urm well-" I began but stopped when I couldn't think of the right words

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