Chapter 25

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I was lying in Jack's arms, on my bed. He was great even though all he had done was hold me close to him while I just let all my tears out and talked nonsense. He had also calmed me down, he looked after me but most importantly, he was here for me when I really needed him the most, in my darkest hour. 

"Jack ?" I asked

"Hmm" He replied

"Would it be okay if I came to stay with you at your place for a little bit ? It's just I don't wanna be here alone" I asked

"Sure, I can arrange it, you know Corey doesn't mind you being with me" Jack replied

"I don't know where I'd be without you" I said

"You'll always have me, wish I could say the same though" Jack replied

"You know you'll always have me Jack" I say, looking up at him, into his blue eyes

"Lacey, I urm, I done something when we were last together, you were at my place, it was just after the thunder storm" Jack began to explain but I was still confused

"Jack what are you talking about ? What did you do that's so bad ?" I asked

"If you hate me, I'll understand" Jack rattled on

"Jack tell me, what did you do that's so bad ?" I asked now getting impatient with him

"You feel asleep and he text you, I was so angry with him, I still am so I just did it out of rage" Jack said

"Jack, your not making any sense" I said

"When you were with me at my place, you fell asleep, Nathan sent you this text, I picked up your phone and I blocked his number from your phone. I almost blocked him on all your social media platforms too but I thought that was going too far" Jack explained

"You think I'd hate you for doing that ? Blocking Nathan's number from my phone ?" I asked shocked

"I know some people would see it as some kind of possessiveness or abuse but that wasn't my intension I swear" Jack said in a shaky voice

"Jack, I'm not mad with you. If I'm honest with  you, I was going to block his number anyway, I've already got rid of him and blocked him on all my socials, but I haven't really been on them that much" I explained

"I know it was still wrong" Jack pointed out

"Maybe but I'm not mad, he has to stop hassling me" I replied

"I know, the last text he sent you before I blocked him was really weird and creepy" Jack told me

"Do you remember what it said ?" I asked curiously

"Something like "Hey my teasingly little minx, he hopes to see you soon, he has a big surprise in store for you, you'll know it once you get it and how you'd be with him where you belong and he ended the text with a bunch of X's for kisses" Jack told me

I sat up in bed thinking about everything. 

"Jack" I said in an uncertain voice

"What's up?" Jack asked

"What if he set up or planned my mum's accident ?" I asked 

"What you think that Nathan would do something like that ?" Jack asked shocked

"I think he would if he thought it would get me to turn to him and look at how he's been around me since then, since my mum was killed" I pointed out

"Fuck" Jack said as he realised I had a good point

"Jack, I-I can't be here, I can't live here, I - I can't live near him, I won't" I said as I got up off my bed and paced back and forth around me room

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