Chapter 15

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I was so happy to be back with Lace. It hurt like hell when she left to return home and my wolf was not happy at all, he was going crazy. I went and spoke to my alpha, Corey again about the situation. When he asked what would help all I could say was that I wanted and needed Lace badly. He being very generous, allowed me to come and visit Lacey. I really wanted to surprise Lacey, I guess I kind of did at the supermarket.

When I was with Lacey and she told me about her dream she had, I knew it was a sign that I should tell her the truth soon, about myself before it's too late and she hates me and never looks at me the same again.

"She needs to know about us soon" my wolf said

I couldn't answer him back right away because I was with Lacey and I didn't want to ruin the mood between us. 

"We need to mate with her soon" My wolf said, changing the subject

And so it starts, he's already pushing me too much with this whole thing. I know I couldn't do anything too intense just yet so I asked Lacey for a kiss hoping it would shut up my wolf. No, instead, it just drove him crazy for more. 


I woke up next morning, still wrapped up in Jack's arms. I smiled as I watched him sleeping. He looked so peaceful but also his features looked so angelic- his normal brown eyes, now closed shut as he slept peacefully, he breathed in and out through his nose, his chest rising when he breathed in and then went down as he breathed out, his black hair which was normally well kept and styled, now all fluffy and sticking up in some places. I smiled to myself as I enjoyed taking in his beauty. 

"It's rude to stare you know" Jack said with his eyes still closed

Okay this caught me off guard, I wasn't expecting him to be awake or notice me.

"It's not rude if I'm not staring, I was just admiring" I smiled

"You admire a lot of guys when they're asleep in your bed next to you ?" Jack asks

"No, your the first" I smiled

"So does this mean that you prefer me when I'm asleep compared to when I'm awake ?" Jack asked, his eyes now on me

"No, I still prefer you when your awake to talk to and have fun" I said without realising how that might have sounded

"Fun eh ?" Jack asked, a smirk appearing on his lips

"You know what I mean, like last week when we spent time together, hanging out, the picnic, the lake" I replied

"I know, I'm just teasing you" Jack replied

"So what are your plans for today ?" I asked, changing the subject

"Spending time here with you" Jack said

"I need to check on my mum, get her sorted then we can work out what we wanna do" I said 

I went to try and get up but Jack just held me close to him.

"No don't go just yet, cuddle with me a bit more" Jack begged

"Aw your so cute when you wanna cuddle and be all lovey dovey" I teased

"Well don't tell anyone, it's my top secret" Jack said, trying to be serious but I knew he was joking


My mum decided she wanted to go and visit her friend, Wendy who lived on the street just around the corner from us. She was a lovely person, she lived on her own now that she was a widow since her husband sadly passed. My mum and Jack managed to have a conversation and it was lovely to see them getting along. Of course, my mum remembered Jack from my childhood and Jack sort of remembered my mum a little bit. 

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