Chapter 8

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I laid on my bed, I still can't believe I bumped into Lacey. It still feels so unreal. 


I was out in the woods, doing my duties. You see, I am not a normal human. Well not anymore. Not ever since I was bitten by a wolf. I am a werewolf. I'm not like those massive ones in movies that goes on killing sprees. I live in a pack with friends. Rather than me running about on two legs, I run on four. As I was saying, I was out on patrol, checking the woods for intruders. It was a routine by our Alpha to check our woods regularly for intruders or anyone from the public. We don't like people getting to close to us, we're very well hidden deep in the woods. 

I had just finished doing my checks when I was heading back, breathing in the calming scents of nature when suddenly a new scent hit me. It was sweet and unusual, nothing like what I have ever smelt before. 

"Mate" My wolf said to me

Yeah, I have been a werewolf for a while and still not found my mate yet. I have tried talking to some girls from the pack but there was no connection there. Nothing clicked with any of them. I was thinking about giving up on ever finding her. I honestly didn't think I deserved to be loved by anyone. 

I was curious and walked out of the woods, following the scent. As I followed the scent, it suddenly came crashing right into me. A small girl had just crashed right into me, into my arms. 

"Sorry" A female voice said quickly

I had to take a close look at her to be sure it was her before I made a fool of myself.

"Lacey ?" I asked

The moment her ocean coloured eyes looked up into mine, I knew it was her.

"Jack" She breathed back

Hearing her say my name felt like heaven on earth. 

"Mate" My inner wolf said again. 

I knew I had to do something so I asked her to hang out and if she was okay to go for dinner. I knew my wolf was desperate to know how soft her skin was so when we were talking about being single, my wolf being very happy indeed that she was single since he seems to think she's our mate, I gently brushed my thumb over hers. Her skin was so soft and gentle. 

I enjoyed myself, catching up with Lacey and reconnecting with her again. 

-end of flashback-

I text Lacey to make sure she got in to the hotel and her room safely. She messaged back to say she did and that she couldn't wait to meet up again. I couldn't wait either, neither could my wolf. He was angry that I let her go like that but if she knew about this part of me, I'd hate to lose her or scare her away. I wouldn't force her to be with me if she didn't want too. 

I was happy that she was going to be here for a few days and that she was able enough to meet up with me to hang out. I was praying for this night to end and the next day begin so we could just meet up. I had to go and speak with my Alpha, Corey, and let him know that I found my mate. I know he won't be happy that she's human and not already like us but sometimes this situation does happen. 

I got up off my bed and went off in search of Corey. I had to talk to him about this now. He would flip if I just went behind his back on anything, if anyone of us did. I eventually found him in his office / study room. I knocked on the door which was slightly open.

"Come in" He called 

I opened the door and walked in.

"Hey Jack you okay ?" He asked

I knew he was confused because it was late and I never go to him this late on so he would know something serious was up.

"Can I speak with you please Alpha ?" I asked

"Course you can, come in and sit down" he gestured to the seats in his room.

I sat down on the small grey two seater sofa in his room.

"So what brings you here ?" he asked genuinely concerned

"I found my mate today. I wasn't expecting too, it was even out of the blue for me. I thought I had given up on finding my mate, that I didn't deserve love" I began to explain

"Okay calm down, where did you meet her ? Is she in the pack or another pack ?" Corey asked as he sat across from me on a swivel chair

"No that's just the thing, she isn't in any pack. She's human and I know her from childhood" I explained

"I see" Corey said as he took in what I was telling him

"I was on my way back from patrol when I got a whiff of this unusual scent, after I did, that's when my wolf said the word mate to me. I followed the scent into town. That's where I met her, well she bumped into me. It's funny she crashed right into my arms" I smiled

"Does she have a name ?" Corey asked

"Lacey. Lacey Smith" I told him

"Have you two dated before in the past ?" Corey asked

"No. She was always the quiet, shy type of girl, kept herself to herself where as me, I was always in with the crowd" I shrugged

"Your in with a different crowd now" Corey pointed out

"I know, I spent time with her tonight, my wolf kept on telling me over and over that she is my mate" I said

"Did you expose yourself to her ?" Corey asked, a seriousness to his tone

"No, I didn't I swear" I said looking him in the eyes

"So what did happen ?" Corey asked

"We just hung out, reconnected, talked. She's here for a few days so I was wondering if it would be okay with you if I met up her while she's here. Don't worry I'm not going to do anything to put us at risk or scare her off" I explained

"You do realise how dangerous these situations are and can get ? Sooner or later you will have to tell her the truth. The closer you get, the closer your wolf will want to get to her and he will push you to mate with her" Corey explained

"I'll control him, I won't let myself get too close to her I promise. I think you would really like her and the others" I said

"You can't just bring her here, no one is supposed to know we're out here like this, not the humans anyway" Corey pointed out

"I didn't mean it like that Alpha, I'm sorry. I just meant if you could get to know her" I said trying to explain myself better. 

"Look Jack, spend time with this girl if your wolf truly believes she's your mate but don't rush into anything too serious too quickly. We'll take it one step at a time" Corey said.

Alpha Corey and I finished our chat on a good, friendly level. He agreed that I could see Lacey while she was here but I knew my wolf wouldn't let her leave. 

I walked back to my bedroom and locked the door behind me. I flopped myself down on my bed and closed my eyes. I fell asleep and for the first time in forever, my dreams weren't invaded by nightmares but instead, they were over taken by a small girl crashing into my arms. Those ocean blue eyes looking deeply into mine. Lacey.

Oh how my wolf was wishing she was here with me right now in this very room or even over in my own house. 

Yes I do have my own house as well as my room here in the pack house. I just stay here from time to time when I need the company. 

Word Count : 1330

Author's Note

Hello everyone ! Here is Chapter 8 of this story already ! :D Sorry it's not very long but I just wanted to give a little insight into Jack's past and know a little more about him. I might start working on chapter 9 once this has been posted, that chapter should be longer. Thank you to everyone who has read this story so far ! <3 

Until next time 


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