Chapter 2

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Lacey POV

I was currently out for my morning run / walk. I left the house in a run but since I suffer from asthma, I can only run for so long and so far. I always went out for a morning run/ walk every morning. It was so nice to be out in the fresh crisp morning air. As I was walking back to my house, I had noticed a tall figure walking in the opposite direction of me.

"Morning neighbour, or should I say Lacey" the familiar voice called out to me

"Good morning Nathan" I called back to him

"Your up and early this morning" Nathan said

"I'm always up early every morning and out a morning run / walk" I replied

"Something else new I've learned about you" Nathan smiled

"You make it sound like it's something good, learning new things about me" Lacey said with a hint of confusion

"It is something good if I'm learning it about you, I never expected you to be so interesting" Nathan answered

"Not really, I like horror movies plus a few others, I go out for a morning run / walk every morning, I enjoy shopping, I love animals obviously since I have a dog and a rabbit, I enjoy going to the theatre and music concerts" Lacey shrugged

"See there's a whole load of even more new things I have just learned about you" Nathan pointed out

"And still I know very little about you except that you live with your mum down the road from me, you work in the local supermarket and your eighteen" Lacey pointed out

"Maybe we should hang out and get to know each other" Nathan suggested

"Okay, I guess whenever your free....I mean not busy with work anything" Lacey replied

"I'm off today, all day and not busy, no plans" Nathan answered

"I'll need to check and see if I have anything on, if not I guess we could hang out" Lacey smiled

"Cool, hopefully you don't have much on, I'm looking forward to getting to know you more already" Nathan smiled

"Guess I'll see you later then" Lacey said

"Hope so" Nathan smiled before saying his goodbye and continuing on his walk to wherever it was he was going to. 

Lacey continued making her way back home, she already knew what was coming from her mum before she even entered through the front door. 

"Lacey, there you are, I was getting worried, how come your home later this morning ?" Ann asked

"Mum, I'm not that much later, only a few minutes and I stopped to talk to Nathan, he was going out" Lacey shrugged

"Ooh and what was he saying to you this morning ?" Ann quizzed on causing Lacey to shake her head and roll her ocean coloured eyes.

"He was just asking more about me like my hobbies and stuff" Lacey said with a shrug

"Well he definitely seems keen on you" Ann teased

"Do we have any plans for today ?" Lacey asked cautiously

"Not that I can think of, why ?" Ann asked

"Nathan asked me over to his to talk and get to know each other" Lacey answered honestly. 

She had thought about lying and coming up with something else but no matter how hard she tried, her mother always knew when she was lying or up to something. 

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