Chapter 7 (Introducing Jack)

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"Well my, my if it isn't Lacey Smith" Jack said, still keeping his gaze on me

"Jack, Jack Winters" I said in disbelief

"You sound shocked and look like you've seen a ghost" Jack joked

"No, it's just, I can't believe it's really you" I said shaking my head

"I know, of all the people I could have bumped into here today" Jack replied

"Urm Jack, you can let me go now" I said in an awkward voice

"Oh sorry" Jack said as he removed his arms from around me

"I'm only here for a few days on holiday with my cousin and his friends" I explained

"Do you have time to maybe catch up ?" Jack asked very eagerly

"Sure, I'm free now if your not busy ?" I offered

"Sure, do you wanna sit in the park or go somewhere else ?" Jack asked

"I've just been sitting in the park for ages, taking pictures of the views and stuff. The water fountain is beautiful" I smiled

"Do you trust me ?" Jack asked

"Why ?" I asked curiously

"I know this restaurant, not too far but it's down by the beach, we could go there, talk and have dinner" Jack offered

"Okay sure, just let me call my cousin so I can let him know, he's with his friends, they were on the roller coasters today, I don't like them" I explained

"Kind of explains why your on your own" Jack smiled

I smiled before taking my phone out. I unlocked my phone, punching in my number code and looked for Jason in my call log. Once I found his name and number, I hit the call button. His phone rang but he answered after three rings.

"Hey Lace where are you ?" Jason asked

"Hey Jase, listen I'm at the park but I've just bumped into an old school friend, we're gonna go to a restaurant for dinner" I explained

"Okay, have fun, be safe and come back to the hotel safely" Jason said

"I will Jase, see you soon, bye"

I ended the call and put my phone away before walking back over to Jack. 

"Am I under dressed for this restaurant ?" I asked nervously, I mean I was only dressed in a simple t-shirt and denim shorts and black and white converse. 

"Your fine, it's not fancy dress or a posh place, don't worry" Jack said, He was dressed more casual, black V neck t shirt with short sleeves which stopped just past his shoulders, showing off his impressive biceps, along with black ripped jeans and all black Vans. 

I smiled. He hasn't changed much at all. I've known Jack since we were at nursery together. I was never really in with the crowd much at school, I preferred to stick to a small circle of friends. 

"My lady" Jack said with a cheeky grin as he held his arm out for me.

"My perfect gentleman" I joked back as I linked my right arm with his left one. 

We talked and joked as we walked to the restaurant. The restaurant was down by the shore, not close to the water but up on the ground. It was a fairly good size for dining in, maybe 30 to 40 tables inside. Seats for one, tables for two plus bigger tables. It was dimly light, not too bright, there was also a candle on each table, each table had a red checked or gingham table cloth on it, the floor was a dark wood, the walls were wooden too with multiple different pictures hung up around the restaurant. The different smells from all the different foods that filled the air smelt amazing. 

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