Chapter 18

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Just a warning before I start this chapter, there will be swearing and talk of drugs and attempted assault so if your not comfortable with any of this, maybe try and skip these parts. Only giving warning so any readers don't feel uncomfortable by it. 


I was still locked in the bathroom. I knew I couldn't stay in here for much longer. I just hoped and prayed that Jack got my text and would hopefully be here soon and save me from this nightmare. There was a window but there was nothing to climb onto or hoist myself up so I could climb out of it but I guess I could give it a try. Just as I reached my hands out and was about to open the window, Nathan called on me from the other side of the locked door.

"Lacey, what are you doing ? You should have been out by now" Nathan snarled

"Just coming, Nathan, I'm not feeling too well, I want to go home now" I said

"You can go home later, when I say you can" Nathan hit back

Great, he's going to keep me here against my will. I'm screwed. 

Please Jack, tell me you've looked at your phone and seen your messages by now, I prayed. 

I turned off the running water from the tap and slowly but carefully opened the door. On the other side of the door, a pissed off looking Nathan stood there just glaring.

"What took you so long ?!" He demanded

"Nathan, I don't feel well, it's my woman's week" I said 

"Do you need anything ? water, hot water bottle, anything to help you out like a pad or..." Nathan began but didn't finish the sentence.

"No Nathan, I do not need anything like that from you, I just need to go home, now" I pleaded

"You can, in a bit, you've barely spoken to me for a while now" Nathan said through gritted teeth. 

Without another word being said, Nathan grabbed my arm and led me back into the living room. I sat back down on the seat I was on before. I still didn't speak much, deciding just to keep quiet. I prayed that Jack would just burst through the door and pick me up and carry me away, somewhere to safety.  One thing is only on my mind right now at this crucial moment in time

"Where are you when I need you the most Jack ?" 


I made it back to the pack fine. I hated leaving Lacey like that but I knew deep down, she had to take time for herself to get her head around all this, to process everything she saw and what I told her. I parked my car and walked into the pack house. I knew Corey was waiting for me. 

"Did you get Lacey home okay ?" Corey asked

"Yeah, she's fine, bit upset but I told her, I'd be in contact soon" I replied, feeling an unusual pain within myself

"I know, but if she is the one for you then she will understand and still want to be with you, just give her time, you know it's hard when your mate is human rather than wolf like you" Corey advised

"I know I just miss her and wish she could have stayed here longer but I don't want her to feel pressured into something she may regret" I explained

We continued to talk about pack duties for a while. Our conversation was interrupted when my phone rang out, signalling that I had received a new text.

"Sorry, this is probably just Callum or one of the others" I said as I took my phone out, about to turn it onto silent. 

I looked at the sender of the text, confusion took over me, it was from Lacey. Already she can't even go one night and take the time I'm giving her. I let out a sigh. 

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