Chapter 5

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I woke up early, for a second I had wondered where I was. I slightly forgot that I was in the spare bedroom of Jason's new house. I checked my watch for the time, only to see that it was 05:45 am. Nothing new there then, I am always up early. The only difference today and the next few days was that I couldn't go for my morning jog / walk. I sat up in bed, the place was still quiet so I took that as a sign that Jason must still be asleep. I grabbed my phone from under my pillow and looked at my notifications. I had the usual again today, few from my twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Jason had kindly given me his internet details so I could use his just for the time being, save me from using my mobile data which I will most likely need for this trip. Speaking of, I tried asking again last night where it was we were going but of course, Jason still refused to give anything away. I came across another text from Nathan on my phone. 

Hey, why didn't you tell me you were going away on holiday with your cousin ?

The text read. I sigh to myself. Why should I have to tell him ? The main reason I was going on this holiday was to get away from stuff, especially what happened with him. I ignore his text and decide I will maybe text him back later.

"Hey, your up early" Jason says, startling me from my thoughts

"Morning, yeah, morning sunshine plus I'm always up early" I say

"You want anything to eat before we get ready to join the others and head off ?" Jason asks

"No, I'm good, I don't travel too well in the morning if I eat" I explain

"Okay, if your sure, I might skip breakfast too and just grab some lunch in a bit" Jason says

"Well I guess we should be getting ready, what time are we meeting your friends at ?" I ask

"In about an hour, just over an hours time" Jason said with a slight shrug


An hour later and pretty much most of Jason's other friends that were coming along on this trip had turned up at Jason's. His older cousin, from his mother's side of his family, Max had turned up early with his wife. They had not long gotten married. A few of his other friends who were going was, his friends Andy, Jamie, Matthew, Andy's girlfriend Ella, one of his female friends, Sophia and Erin. 

Max's wife, Penny, was a lovely woman and really down to earth. She was just about as tall as Max, long dark hair, brown eyes. Once they arrived and we were introduced to each other, we got off to a great start as friends. I got on with everyone else once I was introduced to them all. Max was diving his and Penny's car but they would be taking turns in driving, Andy drove his car since only he was insured to drive his car, Jamie and Matthew had driven to Jason's house together in one of their cars same with Sophia and Erin. I guess they already knew each other pretty well. I felt like the odd one out here. Jason and I had already packed our stuff into the boot of his car so here we all are, ready to go. 

The car journey had already taken us a few hours. Jason and I had sung along to some song which came on his radio or Spotify playlist, which ever he chose to listen too. 

"How much longer ? We've been driving forever" I said now starting to feel a little cranky. To my defence though, we had actually been driving for two hours now. 

"We're almost there, don't worry" Jason reassured me

"You still haven't said where it is we're going too" I pointed out

"Somewhere nice and peaceful that will help you relax" Jason said

"I could easily go to a spa for that" I said

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