Chapter 3

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I woke up next morning, I checked my phone for the time, it was still early I hadn't planned to waken up this early but the sun was shining really brightly into my room even though I had my blinds and curtains closed. I got up and quickly put my phone on to charge, I then made my way to the bathroom. Once I was finished in there, I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a drink. I went back to my room and picked my phone up. I was happy to see a text message from a girl I like. I have a feeling that she likes me too, I want to tell her how I feel about her, I just don't want her to find out that I had Lacey here in my room yesterday. I know I'm not with her just yet, we're both free agents at the moment but I feel guilty for having another girl in my room even though nothing happened between Lacey and I. I quickly glance at the text message before replying back to her. We were arranging to meet up once I finish work later. This has already put a smile on my day. 


I am sat at the small kitchen table, in my usual seat, being quizzed by my mother yet again about the previous day.

"So what time did you come back at last night ? You weren't in at 10 pm before I went to bed" My mum said pointing out the obvious.

"I know, I got back in just after 10:30 last night mum" I replied not really paying much attention to the conversation

"You spent all day watching movies until late last night ?" Mum quizzed on

"Pretty much" I replied as I looked at my phone

All my phone has been full of is Twitter notifications, a few random other notifications but no new What'sApp or text messages. I felt a little disappointed as I thought maybe Nathan would have sent a message by now. It wasn't like he doesn't have my number, after all, I gave him it yesterday and he put his number in my phone. Maybe he was still asleep but if he was due to start an early shift soon then he should be awake. 

"Maybe he's waiting on you messaging him first" Mum said taking me by surprise

"What ?" I asked confused

"Your looking at your phone, your not really paying any attention to our conversation and you look disappointed, he's not messaged you yet and that's what your waiting for" Mum said

"Maybe he's still asleep" I said stating the obvious

"Or maybe he's waiting on you making the move first" mum replied

"Maybe, I'll message him later on" I said 

"So what else did you do yesterday ?" Mum asked

"Just talked about things we like, music, hobbies and watched movies, we took turn picking them until I noticed how late it was then I came back" I replied with a shrug

"Okay, I'll leave it at that, we best get ready, we're going up into town to pick up a few things then on the way back, I need to pop into the supermarket" Mum said


I was soon dressed and ready to head out with my mum. I know it's still early but she likes to get up into town and the shops before it gets really busy. My mum has bad anxiety when it comes to crowds of people, she's been like this for a while now. Once we were both ready, we left the house, as soon as I stepped outside, I couldn't help but take a quick small glance down to Nathan's house. The windows weren't open and it looked like the curtains were still closed. We made our way around to the bus stop and luckily for us we only had a few minutes to wait for a bus. 

I was on my phone browsing at different things during the bus journey into town. I got notifications through about new horror movies that are due to come out this year. I was excited as it meant I could plan my day trips to the cinema in advance which was good for me. Normally I left early, depending on which time/s the movie I wanted to see was on, once uptown, I'd go for something to eat before going into the cinema. I always took my own drink, popcorn and snacks with me for the movie. 

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