Chapter 4

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I wake up in my bed. I can't remember actually climbing into my bed or under my duvet, the last thing I remember is laying on my bed, listening to my music, trying my best to forget everything that happened with Nathan. I get up and ready to go out for my normal morning routine jog / walk. I make sure to pick up my inhalers and water before I leave the house. I listen to my music on my phone through my wireless earphones as I run. The fresh cold crisp morning air is a welcoming feeling. I decided to jog a different route this morning, I figured to myself that this way I won't bump into Nathan and there will be no awkward conversations between us or anything. He still hasn't text me or sent me any messages. I got mid way on my jog when I decided to take a small break to catch my breath. I sat down on a public bench, took my inhalers with a drink of my water. I look up at the sky and see numerous birds flying about the huge open sky. Oh how I wish I could just jump on a plane or something and get away from here for a bit.  I sigh to myself knowing that, that will never happen for me. I'm not really a good flyer or good on boats. My only travelling options are by car, bus or train. 

I am now back home from my morning jog / walk. I have managed to grab a quick shower and change my clothes. I'm back sitting on my bed with a movie on but I'm not even watching it or paying attention to it. The worst thing about most movies is that there are always two people who are destined to be together or end up falling in love. I don't have a problem with love, all I want to know is when will it be my time to find someone and fall in love with ? All I really want is someone who is willing to get to know me, spend time with me, make memories, you know the usual stuff. I am distracted by my deep thoughts by the sudden noise of my phone ringing off. I sigh and debate with myself over weather I should really answer it or not. I glance at the caller I.D and see that it is my only cousin from my mum's side of the family, Jason. I quickly hit the green button to answer his call.

"Hey lil cuz what took you so long to answer ?" Jason teased as he greeted me

"hey Jase, sorry about that, I had to pause my movie" I answered with a little lie but he doesn't know that

"Oh right, so any way, the reason I called you is because myself and a group of my friends are going away this week for a little break" Jason began to explain

"Sounds good, lucky you" I said not even thinking about what I was saying.

"Yes, but you didn't let me finish" Jason said

"sorry, please continue" I smiled

"Thank you. Now as I was saying, myself and my group of friends are going away this week for a little break but one of my friends have had to pull out due to a family emergency thing so there is a place and I was wondering if you would like to come with us, it's all paid for so all you need is your clothes and spending money" Jason finished

"Well yeah I'd love to go but you'd need to speak to my mum as well, see if she will be okay going to her sister's to let me go" I began but Jason cut me off

"I've already spoken to your mum about this, she's happy for you to come along, and her stay at auntie Louise's" Jason explained

"Okay, she never mentioned it to me this morning" I said confused

"I know, I asked her not to, I wanted to be the one to ask you myself" Jason explained

"Ah okay, I see, so when do we leave so I know how much time I have to pack" I asked

"I'll pick you up tomorrow and drive you over here to mine, you can stay over tomorrow night but we will leave early Friday morning to meet the others and travel to our destination" Jason replied

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