Chapter 16

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I woke up early next morning, I had asked Jack to take me back to his but he pointed out that it was a long drive and it was late plus Nathan would also no doubt see us leave so we should leave early in the morning, on the quiet. He did have a lot of points and I agreed with him. It took me ages to fall asleep, I was so angry with Nathan. Who the hell did he think he was ?! 

I looked up at Jack and saw that he was already awake. 

"Morning, how long have you been awake ?" I asked

"Not long" Jack answered

"It's rude to stare you know" I smiled

"It's not rude if I was concerned about you and watching over you" Jack replied

I had already packed some stuff last night with Jack's help of course.

"I'll feel a lot better when I'm away from here and with you" I said

"You want anything before we go ?" Jack offered

"No, just a quick drink then I will get ready" I smiled

Within no time at all, I was dressed and ready to go. Jack and I made sure to check all the windows and doors were locked which they were, we were careful and quiet when we put my stuff and his into his car. Jack drove out of the drive way and turned his car up the way before quickly closing the gates again, driving up the way and out towards the main road, Nathan wouldn't know I was gone since he lived down the bottom of the road on the opposite side of me. I relaxed when Jack drove and soon we were off the street. 

"I'm so sorry about this" I said in a low voice to Jack

"What do you mean ?" Jack asked confused

"You came here to visit your family and spend time with them and now because of me, it's been cut short" I answered

"Lace, I don't blame you, it's not your fault, I didn't just come to visit my family, I came to see you as well, besides I did see my family" Jack replied

"I know but I just feel really horrible for all this" I said

"Don't, it's not your fault, you didn't lead him on or let him think there was more going on, you told him about me and you right ?" Jack asked

"Yeah, I did, I told him after you left the supermarket, that was the first time I'd seen him since I'd gotten back" I explained

"Do you like him or have feelings for him ?" Jack asked, I'm not sure why but he sounded jealous as he asked me that question

"Honestly, no, I don't feel anything for him, I see him walk past my house or in the supermarket and nothing, I think of you and my heart feels like its beating fast, I see a new text from you on my phone and my tummy flutters, I see you and I get butterflies, thinking of you it makes me feel all warm and happy inside" I told him truthfully

"Well that's good to know" Jack replied

"Sorry if that sounded cheesy or corny" I said

"No, you said that's how you feel, you were truthful, I appreciate your honesty" Jack said.

The car journey was quiet since Jack didn't turn on the radio, I ended up falling asleep after looking out the window at the scenery. 


I was so angry with that guy that upset Lacey. I was so angry I could practically feel my blood boil but I kept my cool for Lacey's sake. I watched over her last night as she slept. I was so glad to have her sleeping back in my arms. 

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