Chapter 14

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I was walking around the supermarket with my mum, she was picking up what she had written down on her list. I went to look at the dvds while she was looking at something, I had told her where to find me once she was finished. I picked up what looked like a new horror movie out and read the back to see what the story was about. 

"Hey that's just a new one out, it's a great choice" Nathan's familiar voice said from behind me

I turned around to look at him.

"Lacey ?" Nathan asked unsure

"Hey Nathan" I replied

"When did you get back ?" Nathan asked

"Yesterday, late afternoon" I answered

"Was nice of you to let me know, you've barely answered any of my texts" Nathan said in an annoyed tone

"It was a last minute offer of a holiday, a chance to have a break, me time, time to myself to unwind, I was having fun" I answered

"I bet you were" Nathan said in a low voice but I heard him

"Whatever, I don't owe you anything Nathan, no explanation or anything" I said before putting the dvd back on the shelf and walking away. 

I was not in the mood for an argument with Nathan right now, especially not in the middle of the supermarket, especially when it was beginning to get busy. 

"See anything new or worth buying ?" mum asked when I re-joined her.

"No, nothing at all" I replied

"Oh Lace could you please do me a favour and get a few bags of long grained rice, pasta spaghetti and the Dolmio sauce for the spaghetti Bolognese" My mum asked

"Sure mum, I'll get you down the next isle" I replied before walking down the isle which I now needed. 

I was looking for the Dolmio first since that was in a glass jar. Mum only needed this in for when she makes me spaghetti Bolognese, she has it too but instead of her having spaghetti, she has pasta with hers. As I was looking, I saw the jars had been moved from their original shelf to the next shelf up. Great. I honestly don't think I am tall enough to reach it. Here goes nothing, I tried standing on my tip toes and stretching up to reach it, making sure not to smash any of the other jars on the shelf. As I was struggling, Nathan came around the bottom of the isle from his previous isle. Great, this was all I needed.

"Hey there short cakes, need a hand ?" A familiar voice asked from behind me

I quickly turned, only to see Jack stood there with an amused expression.

"Jack" I smiled in utter disbelief

"Surprise" Jack smiled

"What are you doing here ? How ?...When did you even get here ?" I asked still confused

"I decided I wanted to come and visit you since you were so kind to visit me and spend time with me last week" Jack shrugged

I smiled and practically jumped right into Jack's arms, still unable to believe he was really here.

"Wow what a welcome" Jack smiled as he held me

"I just can't believe you came all this way" I replied

"I'd travel anywhere just for you, to see you" Jack said as he moved a piece of my hair from my eyes and tucked it behind my ear .

"Still the romantic I see that hasn't changed" I teased

"So is it still gonna be okay for me to stay at yours ?" Jack asked

"Sure it is, I'm just out with my mum picking some things up for the house" I explained

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