Chapter 24

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I was so angry when Lacey screamed and shouted at me to leave her alone. Then she had the nerve to threaten me by saying she would tell everyone what I had done to her. Oh if only she knew what I had just done for her, I wonder would she be so quick as to make threats then? I smirk to myself. I will give her a little time to calm down and process what has just happened. She will cave in and need me eventually, I know she will and I will be right here waiting for her.

It confused me when I had tried to send her a text but it kept on failing then when I tried to call her, it said that my number was blocked from her phone. I did wonder if that was Lacey herself or that stupid idiot that kept sniffing around her, Jack.

I was up early next morning, I could hardly sleep from all the excitement I had inside me. I checked the time and looked for any sign of Lacey to see if she would be out on a run this morning. I did also wonder if maybe she was still too upset to even think about what to do. My unanswered questions were soon answered when I saw Lacey walking home with Jason. I guess he must have stayed with her last night, part of me was angry as it should have been me that stayed with her and looked after her. I quickly pulled my black hoodie on and zipped it up before I made my way outside.

Lacey looked happy as her and Jason were talking, he had his arm around her shoulders. I still felt angry inside but tried my best not to let it show. I walked over to them.

"Lacey, how are you ?" I asked

"Oh god no" I heard her say in a low voice

"I was worried about you" I tried to say

"Please, you were worried about yourself, you mean" she spat back

"I heard what happened, I just want to make sure your okay, and to let you know that if there is anything you need-" I began but she cut me off again

"I don't need anything from you, not now, not ever. I have family still, I have Jason here plus I also have Jack" She snarled at me, I could practically hear the venom dripping out her mouth.

"Oh yes, I forgot he is your new knight in shining armour now. He can't seem to leave you alone for long yet when it seems you really need him, he's not around for you" I point out

"Actually, he's coming over later, he called last night when Lacey was asleep. Sorry Lace, I kinda answered your phone" Jason said in an awkward tone

"It's fine, I don't mind you doing that" Lacey smiled at him

"Well if I can't do anything for you, what is he going to do?" I asked

"Well I think he will be able to do more, especially now since he's my fiancée" Lacey said

"WHAT?!" Jason and I both asked in shock

"Jack asked me to marry him and I said yes. I'm marrying Jack" Lacey said before she walked off with Jason.

Unbeknown to Lacey, she had just angered me even more and made me feel even more vengeful. Well she can enjoy her happy news for the time being but I will do whatever it took to get rid of Jack, by any means necessary.....


I walked back into the house with Jason.

"When were you going to tell me?" Jason asked

"Tell you what?" I asked confused

"About you and Jack" Jason said, stating the obvious

"Hasn't been the best time recently" I shrugged

"Why do you suddenly hate Nathan? I thought you two were friends" Jason asked confused

"Some friend he is" I snapped

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