Chapter 27

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Jack led me outside and to a quiet spot on the grass by the water. There was a gazebo set up with fairy lights around it, there was a table for two all complete with two chairs, two wine glasses and a candle in the middle. There was also a lot of different flowers inside the gazebo. 

"I also have some music for later" Jack smiled as he gestured to the  side where he had a music speaker all set up.

I just smiled as I looked over, I guess Mia was right after all. 

"Something funny ?"

"No urm just Mia said earlier that you'd have music if you were going all out romantically" I laughed

"So are you amazed and lost for words ? Did I pull it off ?" Jack asked with a smile on his lips

"Hmm so far yes" I teased

"So far ?" Jack asked confused

"Yeah, it all depends on the food, drink and your company and your dancing" I teased

"You do love to tease me don't you" Jack chuckled

We ended up having a lovely night together. It felt nice to just let go and not think about any of the bad or upsetting stuff. I had almost forgot about everything that was happening, thanks to Jack. 

Jack got up from his chair and used his phone before placing it down by the speaker. 

"May I have this dance ?" Jack asked as he held his hand out to me. 

I smiled and placed my hand in his. Soon a slow, romantic song started to play through the speaker. Jack held me close to him, his arms around my waist while my arms wrapped around his neck. 

"Is this a taste of what my life would be like with you ?" I asked looking up into Jack's eyes

"This is not even close, it would be a while lot better" 

"Even better than all of this ? Jack, when I said what I said to you, I wasn't expecting this" I say in awe as I look around

"You are worth all of this and so much more" Jack replied

A few days later and I was back in my now lonely house. That's all it felt like now, a house, it wasn't a home, it hasn't been a home since my mum never came home. I was lucky though since Jason had said he was coming over to stay with me for a bit since we had to start making the arrangements. I honestly still didn't want to think about any of it but I knew I had too sooner or later. 

"Have you seen Nathan since you've been back ?" Jason asked as he sat down next to me on the sofa

"No, I hope it stays that way but some how I don't think it will. He posted a card through the door but I ripped it up and binned it" I shrugged

"Good, don't give into him, not after what he did, that was unforgivable Lace" 

"I know, he could have done something unforgivable to me. I'm staying away from him" I told Jason

"How was your break away to Jack's ? Did it help ?" Jason asked

"It's Jack, my hero, my knight in shinning armour. Jack that always comes to my recue or when I need him. Jack that always knows just what to do ? Of course it helped, it helped me a lot, not just having Jack there but also the change of scenery too" I answered

Jason just gave me an amused look

"What ?" I asked confused

"I just never thought I'd see the day where my little baby cousin fell so madly and deeply in love" Jason joked

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